Medical Transcription

Home based medical transcription.

Location: Oceanside/San Diego, California, United States

Leva Duell is the author of the Secretarial Business-In-A-Box and the General Transcription Business-In-A-Box helping poeple start their own secretarial business and general/business transcription business.


Medical Transcription - Success Formula

The DPAPR - formula for success!

The What if.......... factor!

Can also be translated as if only....

It freightening how many people have regrets about things they said, lost opportunities,love lost, etc.

The vast majority of employees are unhappy with their jobs, a big chunck of our society live in constant denial and depression.

The actress who jumps out with a smile on her face and a sparcle in her eyes is a far cry from our own situations, even though we would like it to be us.

Instead we walk around with a knot in our stomachs fearing the smallest setback which has indeed got the capacity to destroy our livelyhoods.


What if you take charge......

What if you claim the power that is within you.....

The DPAPR - formula for success!

1) Decide

2) Plan

3) Act

4) Persist

5) Reap

Now don't make a mistake all of us have the capacity to take this formula, apply it and succeed. Once yourealize that we are the sum total of all our own decisions. That is right where you are right now at this point in time is your own creation.

You are the product of your own decisions. So you can decide right now if you are going to do something about those areas in your life that leaves you cold.

Our worst enemy is lack of action, lethargy. It is because we don't live according to to the DPAPR formula that we become the victims of our own bad decisions which becomes habits. Let's face it no one is holding gun against your head forcing to be a couch patato or to eat that extra slice of pie.

It is simply just so much easier to follow the path of least resistance because the you don't have to think and decide you can just sit back and let it happen to you, depression, obesity, poverty,low self-esteem, etc


You can decide, plan, act, persist and reap.

I was listening to Dr. Joe Vitale the other day and he mentioned that the no1 thing that all people seekis not money or love....

It is....


And you will only ever have joy if you are happy with yourself, your situation and your achievements.

So decide today......

What if you take action and you succeed......................

Article written by: Tonie KonigFrom: My-Net-Coach.commailto: For more information visit


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