Medical Transcription - Spring cleaning your computer
At least once a year, better if you do it twice, take a few minutes to clean your computer. Inside and out.
First, make a backup of every possible data file. No need to backup programs if you have the original disks. If you downloaded programs, you should have the original download (before installation) saved on a disk or burned on a CD.
This step is here because most folks don't do backups. The day will come (so many of us know the feeling) when it all goes KaPow! and you realize how long ago or incomplete the backs were. Backups are a tough habit to build, so much time sitting in front of the monitor with a creeping blue line.
There are a number of very efficient backup programs out there that will make copies while you sleep. My personal favorite is Smart Sync Pro. You can find it at
On to spring cleaning Dust can kill your computer, and with it, valuable information you thought you had backed up.
At least twice a year clean your drives with an inexpensive cleaning kit. Vacuum any dirt off your cooling fan in the back. Clean the keyboard with a new paint brush, get the gook out from between the keys. Clean the monitor screen as per directions in the monitor book (Caution: some window cleaners can damage the surface).
While you are at it, reorganize your hard drive for greater efficiency. Run De-Frag (Start>Accessories> System Tools> Disk Defragmenter).
Search for files that haven't been modified in the last six months or year. If they're not being used, get them off your hard drive.
Put this project on a schedule and do it at the time change each year. That's April and October.
For more about your computer, get my article "10 Ways to Fight Spam" by sending a blank eMail
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