Medical Transcription

Home based medical transcription.

Location: Oceanside/San Diego, California, United States

Leva Duell is the author of the Secretarial Business-In-A-Box and the General Transcription Business-In-A-Box helping poeple start their own secretarial business and general/business transcription business.


Choosing a good Medical Transcription program 2

What Constitutes a Good MT Program? pt2

Author: Dawn Moreno

How To Choose A Good Medical Transcription Training Program

Why Not a Less Expensive, Faster Program?

When you take the time to research the skills that a quality MT needs, it will become evident that a shorter, less comprehensive course of study isn't going to give you what you need to succeed in the workplace. Many prospective students who look into very inexpensive fast programs buy into the idea that they can learn medical transcription quickly and then begin making good money right away. You may hear some people say that a comprehensive education is not necessary, and that you just type what you hear. This type of thinking is faulty because in medical language many words sound alike but have very different meanings. Please see the example below:

EXERCISE: Say the following words aloud. Say them slowly and then faster: Dysphagia (dis-phage-ee-a) - Difficulty swallowing. Dysphasia (dis-phas-ee-a) - Difficulty speaking. Dysplasia (dis-plas-ee-a) - Abnormality of development.

Ileum (il-ee-um) - The small intestine. Ilium (il-ee-um) - Hip bone.

It is clear to see that without a clear understanding of the meaning of these sound-alike terms, and the medical context in which these terms are dictated, it would be very easy to type in the wrong word. Now consider the consequences of an MT typing in the wrong medication because it sounded like a different one. It is true that physician's are supposed to read the completed reports for accuracy before signing them. However, the MT is the main person responsible for proofreading the reports. Unfortunately, the reality is that many physician's are very busy and rushed. Many times they sign reports that they read quickly. It is the job of the MT to make sure these reports are accurate.

About the author:
Dawn Moreno resides in Miami, FL and is the Director of MTACC, an on-line medical transcription school. She is married w/one Chihuahua and two cats and is pursuing her doctoral degree at this time.


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