Medical Transcription

Home based medical transcription.

Location: Oceanside/San Diego, California, United States

Leva Duell is the author of the Secretarial Business-In-A-Box and the General Transcription Business-In-A-Box helping poeple start their own secretarial business and general/business transcription business.


How to choose a medical transcription program 1

What Constitutes a Good MT Program? pt1

Author: Dawn Moreno

How To Choose A Good Medical Transcription Training Program

Many ideas abound about what constitutes a good MT program. Some people feel that the schools that advertise on TV showing a mother working at her computer while her children play quietly at her feet is an accurate portrayal of the life of an MT. What is true and what is not true in regard to MT education is what this article shall attempt to cover.

What is AAMT and COMPRO?

The American Association of Medical Transcription ( is the professional organization that represents medical transcriptionists. The AAMT has developed a competency profile for medical transcription education (COMPRO). This profile outlines many of the areas that a good solid MT program should cover. In brief, some of these areas include the following: English language, medical knowledge, technology, healthcare documentation, and professional practice. Under each of these broad headings are very particular sets of competencies that an MT student must demonstrate to show they have mastered that area. The full COMPRO guidelines are listed on the AAMT's web site, and I highly suggest that all prospective MT students visit the site and go over the profile in detail.

About the author:
Dawn Moreno resides in Miami, FL and is the Director of MTACC, an on-line medical transcription school. She is married w/one Chihuahua and two cats and is pursuing her doctoral degree at this time.
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