Medical Transcription

Home based medical transcription.

Location: Oceanside/San Diego, California, United States

Leva Duell is the author of the Secretarial Business-In-A-Box and the General Transcription Business-In-A-Box helping poeple start their own secretarial business and general/business transcription business.


Medical Transcription - You can start a home business

Many people depend on their employers to pay them a salary. They get paid the same amount of money every week and are lucky to get a raise every year or so. They have to punch a time-clock every day. They look forward to the weekend for two days of rest but end up cramming all their neglected responsibilities into those two days.

There are two major groups of people: 1. Leaders and 2. Followers.

Leaders are not happy working for someone else. They are continually striving for a way out of the rat-race because they want to lead instead of follow. Many leaders recognize that they will never achieve the success they desire working for someone else. But they are afraid of leaving their job and surviving on their own. How could they pay the rent? Put their children through college? Buy groceries? Because of these fears, leaders will often lives as followers because they believe they don't have a choice.

But they do have a choice! Let me explain ...

Let's take the example of a mother who just had a baby and wants to stay at home. Her maternity leave from her employer only allows her six weeks. If she doesn't go back to work, she will lose her job and her income. If her husband doesn't bring in enough money to support her and the baby she think she doesn't have a choice.

If this mother wants to stay at home with her baby, she can start a home-based business and work at home. Depending on her skills, she can start a secretarial business, a medical transcription business, a daycare business, a cleaning business, a basket business, and many other home based businesses. She can stay home be with her new child and work at home. A home-based business is good for the child, the mother, and the family.

Other working mothers who can trust a "mother-run" daycare center more than a commercial daycare. And because the daycare center is in the mother's home, she can charge 40%-50% less than commercial day care centers and probably make more money compared to her old job.

Check out those web sites for more information on starting a daycare business. daycare business daycare busines 2 Daycare management software.

Too often, people who want to start their own business will seek for products and services they don't know anything about. There are a lot of ways to make money working from home. If you start a business you don't have the skills for, you will have a steep learning curse and you may get discouraged.
If you want to work at home and start a home-based business, consider a business based on the skills you already possess. Here are some popular, legitimate home businesses.


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