Medical Transcription - Medical billing - is it a scam?
by Paul G. Hackett
Well, that seems to depend upon whom you ask! If you ask the Federal Trade Commission and ABC - World News Tonight (who did a story on an individual that wanted to do medical billing from home and was scammed out of their money by one of the unscrupulous medical billing opportunity vendors) say that medical billing is the biggest scam ever and it isn't a viable home based business.
If you ask those that have gotten scammed at least one or more times it becomes a split decision. Some of those scammed continued to plug away at fulfilling their dreams and today have thriving businesses in this field. The remaining folks that got stung and just gave up are understandably bitter and angry at those that stung them but they are taking out their frustrations on the home based medical billing industry instead of on the companies that took their money in the first place. Those are the individuals that the FTC, WABC and the other agencies are basing their conclusions on. So, wouldn't you agree that the basis of the conclusion is a bit one sided since they (FTC & WABC) never interview those that are successful in a medical billing business from home?
What do the thousands of medical billing business owners (like myself) that are a vital part of a physicians' day-to-day operation have to say?
OF COURSE MEDICAL BILLING IS A VIABLE BUSINESS, we wouldn¹t be able to be in business if it weren't. Nothing that the FTC, WABC or any disgruntled medical biller wannabe has to say about it will change that. As a matter of fact the FTC used a medical billing business owner in April 2002 to help them identify and bring down 5 medical billing vendors that were scamming good intentioned people out of their money so even if they (FTC) won¹t admit it even they know our business is for real and how big it has become in the past 5 years. When WABC was looking for an individual that was scammed who did they call to help them in their search? That¹s Right, a medical billing business owner!
Should you, the stay at home mom, dad, disabled, elderly or unemployed get into this field?
My answer is yes but only if you are prepared mentally, physically, emotionally and financially to see it through to the end because it¹s not a get rich quick program like it¹s advertised to be in newspapers and other printed media. This is not to say that there aren¹t people that fail at this business but we all know that starting a business in any field is a risk. The biggest reason that people fail at this business is because the individual did not do the necessary research in the beginning about this industry before jumping in with both feet and nostrils wide open. So in essence they set themselves up for failure and left themselves wide open to getting scammed!
Research allows an individual to asses whether or not this field is right for them, would alert them as to which companies to be leery of and where they should go to network with others that are already successful in the field as their basis of a support channel. If individuals would take these steps in the beginning then they would not be candidates to be scammed, they would build the firm foundation that every successful company need to become successful, they would prosper greatly financially in the medical billing industry, there would be a dramatic decline in the amount of claims filed with the FTC, the companies that are trying to scam people would suffer greatly and hopefully go out of business.
As long as there are physicians that are not getting fully reimbursed, spending thousands on employees, whose overhead continues to sky-rocket yearly, is having problems recovering their payments from patients or are just starting out and need help setting-up their practices there will always be a need for an at home medical billing business owner. It¹s been that way for years and will continue to be a viable and lucrative field for those that are really interested in this industry, educated about what it takes to be in this field, and are skilled enough to get the job done in a timely and professional fashion. So before you get started, EDUCATE YOURSELF and you to will be able to reap the rewards of owning a medical/dental billing business from the comforts of your home.
Paul G. Hackett is the President of Stelo Medical Management, Inc. and is dedicated to assisting those interested in the proper ways of getting started, setting up and operating a successful medical billing company from home. His book, "Medical Billing Beginners Book" is the beginner's first line of defense from the scams and misguided advice you find online and off line. You can contact him at for more information. Click here to purchase his book.
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Medical Billing Resources
Medical billing beginners book. Paul runs a successful, legitimate medical billing business. He shows how to avoid medical billing scams and educates people about the who, what, where and why of this profitable industry. He shows step-by-step how to start a successful medical billing business from home. This is the only medical billing book I recommend! You must read this before buying software or other products about medical billing. Click here
Medical Billing Certification Program . Comprehensive, affordable online home study. Software and support included. Click here.
To learn more about the Medical Billing Industry before taking a course, read the Medical Billing Beginners Book below. Click here.
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