Medical Transcription

Home based medical transcription.

Location: Oceanside/San Diego, California, United States

Leva Duell is the author of the Secretarial Business-In-A-Box and the General Transcription Business-In-A-Box helping poeple start their own secretarial business and general/business transcription business.


Medical transcription - Start-up Cost

Here's what you'll need start a transcription business or secretarial service and the estimated start-up cost for starting a secretarial service.

You can start your transcription and secretarial services with just a computer, printer, a few business cards, and a pack of paper. You can get additional equipment and supplies later.

Computer. Any computer will get you started. You don’t need a high-end computer to do word processing. However, if you want to provide graphic design or web design services, then you'll want to get the best computer you can afford. Cost: From $200 for a used computer to $1000-$2500 for a new computer.

Software: Most computers come with a word processing program. I recommend using Microsoft Word as soon as you can afford it because that's what most of your clients will have. Cost: Check with Microsoft for the current rates.

Printer: I recommend a laser printer but many secretarial services use an inexpensive inkjet printer. Cost: From $20 for a used inkjet printer to $600-$2000 for a laser printer.

Desk. You can get a small computer desk or use a table. Check local office supply stores such as Office Depot, OfficeMax, and Staples. All three have catalogs. Cost: $30 and up. You have a lot of choices for $100-$200.

Computer chair. Choose one that feels comfortable to you. The more expensive chairs are not necessarily the most comfortable ones. Cost: $30-$200.

Office supplies. You'll need at least one pack of paper to print your clients' work. Cost: $3-$7.

Telephone: I recommend getting a separate phone line from the beginning. Cost: Check with your local phone company.
Transcribers: We'll discuss transcribers in a future issue/

Business cards: Print your business cards on your own printer one sheet at the time or have a set of 500 or 1000 printed for $20-$100.

Business license. Cost: $20-$100 depending on the city and county you're conducting business in.
If you already have a computer, your start-up cost is minimal.

All the best success with your transcription and secretarial business!

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Looking for typing work at home? Start a secretarial service. The Secretarial-Business-in-a-Box provides instant tools you need to start and run a successful secretarial service. Free articles and business start-up newsletter
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Provided by Leva Duell, Start a Secretarial Service, © 2004

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