Medical Transcription

Home based medical transcription.

Location: Oceanside/San Diego, California, United States

Leva Duell is the author of the Secretarial Business-In-A-Box and the General Transcription Business-In-A-Box helping poeple start their own secretarial business and general/business transcription business.


Medical Transcription - Typing Cash

Turning Keyboarding Skills Into Cash!
by B Lee (C )2004

Most with excellent keyboarding skills wonder if it is possible to use this talent in a home business venture. Unfortunately, many would be entrepreneurs often fall prey to the misleading ads on and off-line recruiting work at home typist. Most of these ads are blatant scams.

The companies behind these ads are basically selling outdated information, manuals, or a list of potential customers.

Fortunately, many legitimate ways exist to use your keyboarding skills in a home based venture.

Here is a list of the top ten work at home jobs you might consider. These ideas rely heavily on using your keyboarding skills along with knowledge in other specialized areas you may already possess.

Accounting/Bookkeeping Service
Involves preparing financial records, payroll and invoicing for small business owners.

Bulk Mailing Service
Involves handling mass marketing mail for your clients.

Desktop Publishing
Providing printing services for clients.

Graphic Service
Producing professionally designed logos and brochures for clients.

Manuscript Typist
You can start your service by offering to type manuscripts for authors or college students.

Resume Typist
Offer to type new resumes for your clients or edit and retype outdated resumes.

Secretarial Service
Your services might include typing, writing letters and mailing. Or transcription, basic bookkeeping, dictation, and other office support services for small business owners.

Transcription Service
You might decide to specialize in legal, business, or medical transcribing.

Tax Preparation
You might specialize in tax preparation for individuals or small business owners.

Newsletter Publishing
People like to stay up to date on the latest news in their field or technological advances. You might decide to write and publish a newsletter in a highly focused area. All easily accomplished with basic keyboarding skills, a computer, word processing software, and an Internet connection.

All the work at home ideas listed will require at least a basic desktop computer that delivers fast performance. A CD and DVD drive are mandatory in these modern times to keep your business in step with the technological advances.

The ability to burn CDs is essential. Of course you will need the basic software, a laser printer, a good word processing program, database and high quality graphics, accounting/bookkeeping programs. A dedicated fax machine and line are essential.

You will also need a dedicated business telephone line if you want to appear professional. This will also boost your credibility when dealing with clients over the telephone.

Also, check licensing requirements in your home state. Contact your local Small Business Administration office. They provide free information on starting a business.

BB Lee is the editor and publisher of SmallBizBits News. Subscribe now and receive several free ebooks and fun software programs.

Medical Transcription - Creating Readable Documents

When providing medical transcription or secretarial services, it's important to create good-looking documents for yourself and your clients.

Follow these guidelines to make your documents more readable and appealing.

  • In general, serif fonts are easier to read for body copy. Serif fonts such as Times Roman and Bookman have curly bars at the end of the lines. Sans serif fonts such as Arial and Helvetica have straight ends and are often used for headlines.
  • Make headlines larger and bolder than the text to attract the reader to the text.
  • Limit the number of fonts and graphics in your documents. Too many typefaces make a document hard to read.
  • Use italics, underline, and bold sparingly. Long sentences in italics are hard to read. When overused, bold loses impact and darkens the page.
  • Sentences or paragraphs in all capitals letters are hard to read. Use capitals only for short headings. For longer headings, use upper/lower case.

Professional-looking documents will make a good impression and will increase credibility and sales.


Medical Transcription - Impress your customers

It Only Costs $8 to Impress Your Customers!
by Nancy Gillespie

Recently I bought a piece of furniture from Hunters Attic in Vista, California. The person who waited on me was very knowledgeable about his inventory and took the time to answer all of my questions. That impressed me and made me feel that I mattered. Then he discounted the price of the item (which always impresses me!). Then he delivered the item at exactly the time he had promised. But what really impressed me was that when he arrived to deliver my piece of furniture, he explained that he had inadvertently overcharged me -- he then handed me an $8 refund!! Wow! Such honesty is so unusual nowadays.

This so impressed me that I told several of my friends. Such a small thing, yet it made a big impression on me. See how that works? For $8 Hunters Attic got a little free advertising and a loyal customer.

Customer loyalty is especially important in these times of economic uncertainty. When people are looking for ways to cut expenses, they will be less inclined to "fire" you if you have gained their loyalty.

Here are a few ideas to help you gain loyal customers:

Educate your customers.

Explain what you are doing and why. Give them helpful tips. Tell them about new products. Educating your customers shows you care and may bring you more income from add-on sales.

Make your customers feel important.

Remember their names -- people love the sound of their own name! Keep a stack of postcards and stamps with you -- when a customer mentions it is his birthday, scribble a "happy birthday" message on a postcard while it is fresh in your mind. If your customer is mentioned in a newspaper article, clip and send a copy to your customer (only if the article is positive!).

Give freebies and/or discounts.

People love free stuff! How about a complimentary item (that you got free from one of your vendors). Samples of new products. Or a promotional item imprinted with your business name and phone number -- something that will help them think of your business every time they use it. Give discounts for "VIPs" or for early payment (an incentive for them to pay on time).

Be dependable.

Show up when you say you will (or call to explain that you are running late). Call when you say you will. Return phone calls in a timely manner. Only promise what you can deliver.

Be honest.

Give a refund or credit if you make a billing error. Admit when you screw up (hey, we're all human).

These are just a few suggestions to help you impress your customers. Hopefully, they will get your creative juices flowing and you will come up with even better ideas that will work for you!
Nancy has operated A+ Secretarial and Business Services In Vista California for 9 years. She the author of "14 Surefire Tips to Get the Job of Your Dreams," a concise book to assist job hunters. For more information about her secretarial services or her book, call 760-945-666, email, or visit


Medical Transcription - 5 Tips for HOT Yellow Pages Ads

5 Tips for HOT Yellow Pages Ads
© 2004 BIG Mike McDaniel - All Rights Reserved

More about advertising from BIG Mike McDaniel

Yellow Pages advertising is one of the most popular forms of advertising in the country today. Almost every home in America (96.9%) and business has at least one copy of "the book".

Almost three out of five (58%) of all adults say they check the Yellow Pages for a phone number and/or address at least once per week, with 77% using the book monthly.

While the Yellow Pages are an excellent reference tool, they fare less well when considered as an advertising medium. People use the Yellow Pages to look for a familiar name. If your other advertising works, then fining you in the Yellow Pages should be a snap.

Remember, once the book is published, you can't change your ad until the next publish date.

Here BIG Mike's 5 Tips to make your Yellow Pages Ad HOT.

1 - Sell the benefits
Put a headline on your ad pushing benefits. Explain how the benefits will help your prospect fulfill their needs.

2 - Forget extra cost color
The only thing color has been proven to do in Yellow Pages advertising is increase the price you pay for the ad.

3 - Ask for the order
Writing "Call us now at xxx xxxx" will get more responses than if you simply listed you phone number.

4 - Write like you talk
Inject your personality into everything you write. No-one wants to read boring and stuffy legal-ease. Use short sentences and words. Use simple language Use the word Œyou¹.

5 - Avoid Bragging
Don't boast "biggest and best". It turns people off, even if it is true. Being number one won't sell any product for you.

Remember, the Yellow Pages is generally a reference tool. People look for a name they recognize (or can't remember) or for a name given by a friend. Your ad should help them remember. The only other use of the Yellow Pages is to look for an emergency services. That's why you see lots of tow truck ads and no ads from Sears. Design your ad accordingly.

BIG Mike McDaniel is a former successful radio station owner and major market TV News anchor and nationally recognized Speaker, Author, and Small Business Consultant. Big Mike has authored four books and hundreds of articles and publishes a sales magazine. He has served as a Director of the International Idea Bank (a marketing think tank). He is the founder of the BIG Ideas Group, a marketing and management facilitator for small business growth through seminars, MasterMind Idea Exchanges, focus groups, distance learning, sales training and operational strategies.


Medical Transcription - Generate free publicity

The "Write" Stuff -- Make a Name for Yourself
by Nancy Gillespie

There is an expression in Hollywood -- "there is no such thing as bad press." Publicists know the importance of getting their clients' names in front of people.

Likewise, as a business owner, you also want name recognition -- not only for you but also for you as a business owner. Every time you get your name in front of the public, it increases your name recognition and puts you "top of mind." You know the drill -- business cards, advertis­ing, press releases, etc.

But here's an easier way -- write a letter to the editor! Comment on topics of public interest or a recent news item or share information related to your business. (For example: "As a pool service techni­cian, I was disturbed by your recent news item on the swimming pool drowning. Here are some water safety tips.")

Determine what the policy of the newspaper is for submitting letters. For instance, the North County Times requires that letters include your full name, address, and daytime phone number. Writers are limited to one letter every two weeks, and letters should be no longer than 200 words.

Refer perhaps to the type of busi­ness you are in, but don't state your business name -- that's just a shameless plug. Commercial com­plaints and endorsements ordinarily are not published.

E-mail the letter. Editors prefer them to letters on paper because e-mailed letters don't have to be retyped. Also, an e-mailed letter costs you nothing -- no paper, no postage.

Once your letter gets printed in the newspaper, photocopy it. En­close copies with your billings and correspondence. Put a framed copy on your wall. This lets people know you are a business owner with credibility -- you are a published writer!

Don't stop there. There is power in numbers. Send another letter when you have something else to say about your crusade or cause. This is where the name recognition really kicks in.

Nancy has operated A+ Secretarial and Business Services In Vista California for 9 years. She the author of "14 Surefire Tips to Get the Job of Your Dreams," a concise book to assist job hunters. For more information about her secretarial services or her book, call 760-945-666, email, or visit


Medical Transcription - What to do with your business cards

Without a plan to distribute your cards, there's no need to print them in the first place.

Many fall into the trap of thinking all the thinking about business cards is over once the order is placed. Wrong! The average person has more than half of business cards still in the box at any given time.

  • Make a plan to empty your box of cards in 3 months or less, after all, those little cards are your most powerful marekting tool.
  • Always carry cards with you. Always have them handy. "Let's see, I've got one here somewhere, no, that's a card I got yesterday, no, that's my kid's picture, here it is, no, that's not it either.."
  • Always keep them fresh and flat. If they look worn or dirty, pitch 'em. You should be able to quick draw your card faster than Gunsmoke's Matt Dillon. If somebody gives you their business card, you should give them yours in return, face up.
  • Think of your card as a print ad for you. Leave it everywhere. More ad exposure leads to more business. If you designed your card well, your home address is not on it so you can leave it anywhere without fear a burglar will come visiting.
  • Many stores, banks and restaurants have bulletin boards. Keep a few push pins in your car.
  • Always drop your card in the fishbowls offering a prize.
  • Enclose a card with every check you send to pay bills.
  • Leave one on the table with your tip (as long as the tip is not embarrassing).
  • Give one to friends "Do you have my new card?"
  • Keep a supply in a cardholder on your desk or at the front counter.
  • Ask your spouse to always carry your cards, ready to deliver should they meet someone who might be interested in your product or service.
  • Keep spare cards everywhere so you never have to grope for one, or worse yet, not find one and end up scribbling your name on the back of someone else's card.
  • Put the info on your card in a sig file that automatically appears at the bottom of all your eMail. Get my article that show you how, step by step.
  • If anything on your card changes, bite the bullet, eat the expense, and pitch 'em.

Your business card is more than a reference tool. It can be your biggest marketing advantage for people to remember you and forget your competition.

©2004 BIG Mike McDaniel, Professional Speaker and Former Major Market TV News Anchor. The BIG Ideas Group helps small business grow with mastermind groups, seminars and sales training. Subscribe to "BIG Mike's BIG Ideas" Newsletter


Medical Transcription - Make Your Resource Box Sell

How To Make Your Resource Box Sell
by Michael Southon

Ezine Articles - they're everywhere!

And little wonder. They're one of the fastest
ways of building traffic to your website.

But what many people overlook is the Resource Box.
It's almost as important as your Article. After all,
your traffic comes to you through your Resource Box.

Writing your Resource Box is an art in itself. You
have very little space (5 or 6 lines) and you want to
make the most of it. Here are four key elements your
Resource Box should contain.

1) Your Name

Remember, one of the reasons Ezine Articles are such a
powerful promotion tool is that brand your name, they
establish your reputation as a an expert.

So the first line of your Resource Box should be a
short sentence that gives your name and tells the
reader what you do on the Internet.

2) Your website URL

This is pretty straightforward - you want people to
visit your website. But there's another reason for
including your website URL.

As well as being published in Ezines, your Articles
will also be published on websites, often with a live
link to your website URL.

And that's going to do wonders for your
link-popularity. Remember, the major Search Engines
are making link-popularity one of the key factors in
ranking their search results.

3) Your Newsletter subscribe address

A given reader may not purchase your product, they may
not even click through to your website, but why not at
least capture their email address?

Remember that the average person has to see your
message seven times before they buy your product.

4) Something FREE!

Your Resource Box is probably one of a dozen other Ads
in the same Ezine, all clamoring for attention. Offer
something free and you'll vastly increase the chances
of a reader clicking through to your website.

Michael Southon has been writing for the Internet for over
3 years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use
this simple technique to build a successful online business.
Click here to find out more:


Medical Transcription - Better Business Cards

10 Nifty Tips for Better Business Cards
BIG Mike McDaniel

Not having a business card is as bad as using an email address that ends in It's just not professional.

With domain names costing less that 9 bucks a year, there's no excuse for anyone in business to have an address. With business cards costing less than 9 bucks at the big box store, there's no excuse for anyone in business not to pass them about.

Here are BIG Mike's 10 Nifty Tips for Better Business Cards

Don't Do It At Home
For what you spend on blank microperf cards and the time to get it right, you could pay to have them look professional instead of home baked.

Get your Own Logo
No logo at all looks better than a logo from a clip art book. Same with cards with bars of color or circles. Your card should be you, not something from a can.

Put YOU in the Middle
Your name is the most important part of the card put it in the middle and big enough to see without granny glasses.

Forget the Beeper Number
No need to list cell phones and beeper numbers. If you want a customer to have them, it is far more impressive for you to hand write it on the card ("I'm giving you my private cell phone number...")

Throw 'em Away When ANYTHING Changes
Don't be a cheapskate. Spend the bucks for new cards rather than penciling in corrections. Be professional.

Keep it Simple
One phone number and one eMail is enough. Be sure to put your website on the card, too.Some cards work great without a street address. Do you need it on your card? Why?

Use Both Sides
The back of the card can be used to reinforce your selling proposition. Think of your card as a little newspaper ad. Use both sides.

Stick with White
White, glossy, shiny cards say "Business". Pastels and swirls say "Avon Lady".

Never Leave Home Without OneAlways carry a supply of cards. You never know. And keep them handy in a ready pocket, not tucked away at the bottom of a bag, so you can present one with a flourish on demand. Keep a backup stack in the car.

Present It With A FLAIR
Practice offering your card with BOTH hands. It makes a BIG impact. You goal is to get people to remember you and save your card. Do that by using both hands.

For more on business cards, get my article "What Does Your Business Card Say." Click the link to send a blank message

BIG Mike McDaniel, Professional Speaker and Former Major Market TV News Anchor. The BIG Ideas Group helps small business grow with mastermind groups, seminars and sales training. - Subscribe to "BIG Mike's BIG Ideas" Newsletter :

Business Card Resources


Medical Transcription - Customer courtesies

Win Your Customer Over with Simple Courtesies
By Kit Lum

Walk into any store any day and there's probably a lesson in customer service waiting for you. You could learn a great deal about how to treat your customer just by observing how you are treated as the customer!

Just the other day, I went to a food court at a shopping mall for lunch. Food courts are a popular self-service concept in Asia of food cubicles arranged usually in circular fashion with tables in the middle where you can sit and eat your choice selection.

As I was checking out the vast selection of lunchtime fare, I noticed the servers behind the counters were all stone-faced. Maybe it's been a long day. Maybe Asians take their business seriously and seldom volunteer idle chit-chat with their customers.

But as I was walking past the Chicken Rice counter, the kindly smile of a middle-aged man lit up the stone wall. Chicken rice, a delicious one-dish Asian meal of fragrant rice served with roast or steamed chicken, is my favorite but I think it was that friendly smile that did the trick this time.

Lesson #1: A simple five-letter word that should really be at the top of your business to-do list. Smile. Not a likely business lesson that you'll come across very often. But it's one I trust will take you far.

Smile in person. Smile on the phone. Smile in your emails. It doesn't hurt, I promise, I do it all the time when I 'talk' to my customers. It's pretty amazing really. When you smile, people lighten up and warm up to you. You instantly connect. It builds a bridge to a business relationship.

On another afternoon, I went there again for lunch. Got my tray and walked away without noticing that one of Mr Kindly's assistants had given me the wrong order. She'd given me the barbecued pork instead of roast chicken.
Until a few years ago, many businesses in Asia practised the no-exchange no-return policy, and many still do. This means when the transaction is completed, you're stuck with your purchase, no matter what. If it was the the wrong order, the wrong size or defective, you couldn't return or exchange it.

These days, businesses are gradually becoming more customer-friendly. So I decided to try my luck with Mr Kindly. Well, guess what? He apologized profusely, took my plate and heaped the roast chicken on top of the barbecued pork, and charged me not one cent more. I was bowled over by his exceptional customer service.

Lesson #2: Surely the lesson to be learnt here is to acknowledge when a mistake has been made. We're all human. It's okay to make mistakes. What's important is that you accept responsibility for it and try not to let it happen again.
Acknowledge the mistake, fix it and go the extra mile to make up for it. Give them a discount for their next purchase. Or offer them something on the house. In other words, leave your customer with a sweet aftertaste in spite of the little mess-up and they will be back!

I thanked Mr Kindly. I was impressed at how he'd chosen to handle the situation. Just before I was jostled out of the way by a long line of impatient customers who'd formed behind me, he smilingly told me he appreciates my business and hopes to see me again soon.

Lesson #3: Find the time to thank your customer and tell them how much you appreciate them, no matter how busy you are. Make each one feel like they are the most important person in the world. People like to know they're appreciated. It makes them feel especially good to know they've made the right decision to do business with you.
The Chicken Rice Man sets himself apart from the competition by using some good old-fashioned honest-to-goodness business tactics. You come across other entrepreneurs and you can't help but wish they were all like him. Indeed, we can all be like him. These simple courtesies are not that hard to do. They just take a bit of practice. Go get started now.

Copyright 2005 Kit Lum. Kit Lum brings five years of online business experience into Go Get Global and its two ezines - helping small/home businesses profit from growing globally with quality advertising and business services, and business and cultural resources. Get more FREE tips like these at

Medical Transcription - Business card back

15 Ways to Use the Back of Your Business Card
by Tom Letourneau

The back of your business card is valuable space that should be used. Well over 85% of the cards I've been given have nothing on the back. What a waste!

Just think, you can double the effectiveness of your card by simply printing a valuable tidbit on the back. Here are some ideas:

1 - your business philosophy
2 - a list (or partial list) of your products
3 - directions to your office or place of business
4 - your guarantee
5 - an affirmation or favorite saying
6 - three benefits of doing business with you
7 - your picture or caricature
8 - trivia about your business or niche industry
9 - a mini-notepad with lines to make notes
10 - a short joke
11 - your recipe for success
12 - a calendar of upcoming events
13 - tips on how your products or services can save money or make money
14 - your rates
15 - third party testimonials

Thanks to Tom Letourneau who helps people out-market and out-sell their competition. (800) 945-7553.

Business Card Resources


Medical Transcription - Effective business cards

If you're in business, you are expected to have business cards. Business cards are one of your best marketing tools. Make sure your business cards convey a professional image. Follow these tips when designing your business cards.

  • Do not use clip art.
  • Design a logo or have one designed. For secretarial services or medical transcriptionists, this can be as simple as using a special font or effect for the business name.
  • Provide a benefit-oriented headline. The benefit and tag line for my secretarial business, is "Office Support Without the Overhead."
  • Mention your phone number, email, and web address. If you work from home, do NOT mention your street address.
  • Use the back of your card to provide additional information or tips.

    Secretarial services can mention the different services they provide such as word processing, transcription, desktop publishing, graphic design, and data entry. Or mention the documents you can create such as flyers, brochures, manuals, and mailing labels.

    Medical transcriptionists can mention what medical specialties they specialize in.
  • Use good quality paper.
  • Choose business-like colors.
  • Order new cards when any information on the card changes.
  • Carry your business cards with you at all times.

Business Card Resources

Get free business cards at Vista Print. Click here for more information.

Get 250 premium quality, full-color business cards FREE! An $85.00 value! Click here.

Shop Office Depot for Customized Business Cards, Stationery, and More!

The Secretarial Business-In-A-Box helps you start your own secretarial service. It tells you what kind of clients have typing needs and farm out typing work on a regular basis. It reveals what kind of businesses are the best prospects and provide large typing jobs, word processing, transcription, data entry, and typing. Discover what typing projects are in demand and what other services you can offer in your secretarial service business to create additional profit centers.

Medical Transcription - Yellow Page ads - 15 tips

15 Tips for Better Ads in the Yellow Pages
Copyright 2004 BIG Mike McDaniel - All Rights Reserved

Yellow Pages advertising is one of the most popular forms of advertising in the country today. Almost every home in America (96.9%) and business has at least one copy of "the book." Almost three out of five (58%) of all adults say they check the Yellow Pages for a phone number and/or address at least once per week, with 77% using the book monthly. While the Yellow Pages are an excellent reference tool, they fare less well when considered as an advertising medium.

Here are 15 ways to make their yellow pages more effective.

1 - People looking in the Yellow Pages are ready to buy right now. So the challenge is to make the prospect see your ad first.

2 - Don¹t sell them your type of product or service, but sell them on the benefits of your business.

3 - Sell them why they should call you and nobody else.

4 - You don¹t need thick borders or extra cost color, the yellow pages people offer that to everyone. Look how many are on every page.

5 - The key to a sizzling Yellow Pages ad is to sell your services in print. It's about standing out by offering the solution to their problem in a way that your competitors can¹t match. The key is the headline.

6 - Put a headline on your ad that sells your benefits and assures the prospect will read your ad. If you have a hard hitting headline that projects a strong benefit and relates to the needs of your prospect, half the work is done. Some headlines that help you do that include:

"How to xxxxx"
"6 reasons why ..."
"Before you xxxxx here are 6 vital factors to consider"
The rest of your ad should expand on the benefits you've presented in your headline and show specific ways you¹ll help your prospect fulfill their needs.

7 - Finish by spelling out your instructions. Writing "Call us now on xxx xxxx" you¹ll get more responses than you would if you simply listed a phone number.

8 - Write like you talk Inject your personality into everything you write. No-one wants to read boring and stuffy legal-ease.

9 - Use short sentences and words. Use simple language.

10 - Use the word "you."

11 - Avoid Bragging - Don¹t boast "biggest and the best." It turns people off, even if it is true.

12 - If you have a guarantee, spell it out. A guarantee will make your credibility skyrocket.

13 - Find a way to make the prospect an enticing offer. Including an offer in your telephone directory ad will dramatically boost responses. It gives your prospect a reason to call you ahead of anyone else.

14 - Remember that every business (with a business telephone) will be in the yellow pages, free, in the listings.

15 - The only thing color has been proven to do in Yellow Pages advertising is increase the price you pay for the ad.
Remember, the Yellow Pages is generally a reference tool. Design your ad accordingly.

You can reach BIG Mike at Major Market TV News Anchor and Successful Radio Station Owner is a Business Consultant who works full time to help people in business with sales, advertising and promotion ideas that REALLY work!


Medical Transcription - Interview with Nancy - Can you make money typing from home? Part 2

Here's part 2 of the interview with Nancy Gillespie, owner of A+ Business Services in Vista, California. If you haven't read part 1, click here.

Leva: What experience or skills does someone need to run a secretarial service?

Nancy: The industry standard is two to three years experience in office support, keyboarding speed of 70 wpm, and good English and grammar skills. When I was hired for my first secretarial job, my typing speed was only about 45 wpm. Over the years, it has more than doubled.

But typing speed is only part of it. I have a college background (although that's not really necessary), have taken additional courses over the years, and have worked in a variety of industries. Now that I have my own business, I find that all of those bits of knowledge I picked up over the years help me to do a better job now. Because I have such a variety of clients, I find it helpful to know a little bit about a lot of things. So I would have to say that knowledge and continuing education are helpful.

Leva: What was your previous experience? Did you have any experience with transcription?

Nancy: I have over 20 years experience in office support, as a secretary and then eventually executive secretary. I typed correspondence and statistical reports, edited and helped prepare a monthly field publication, took minutes, transcribed, and did light bookkeeping.

Leva: How did you get started? How did you get your first clients? What's the best way to attract customers? How do you market your business?

Nancy: I left my job with the plan of starting my own office support business. I enrolled in college classes to become a certified medical transcriptionist. I created some sad-looking business cards and flyers on my computer. My first paying customer got my phone number from one of my flyers on campus -- I made a whopping $10!

I was confident of my office skills but quickly realized I was pretty much clueless as to how to get this business off the ground.

But I had vowed to make this business work. I wrote a business plan to get me focused. I gave my business card to everyone I met. I joined the Chamber of Commerce and other networking groups. I stepped outside my comfort zone by going door to door in office buildings and introducing myself. I put an ad in the Yellow Pages.

At the beginning, most of my business came from the Yellow Pages ad, with a few referrals from friends. Now that I've been in business a while, most of it is repeat business or referrals, with an occasional call from someone who saw me in the Yellow Pages or on the Internet.

It was when I met Leva that things began to really come together. She had seen my name somewhere and invited me to attend a meeting of a local group, AOSP, Association of Office Support Professionals. Members of AOSP -- but mostly -- Leva advised me on pricing, referred work to me, and answered my many questions. I can say with absolute assurance that if I had not met Leva, I could not have made my business work.

That's why I think her product, "Secretarial Business-in-a-Box", is brilliant. You get to pick the brain of someone who has been successfully operating this business for years. I wish this product had been around when I first got started!

Leva: What's the biggest challenges?

Nancy: If you work from home, one challenge is getting friends and family to take you seriously and understand that you are working, even though you are at home.

Another challenge was getting used to all the "business stuff" involved in running a business -- getting a deposit before starting a project, asking clients to sign an agreement, and asking for payment.

Leva: What are the biggest mistakes a secretary or word processor can make?

Nancy: Sloppy, inaccurate work, typos, not meeting deadlines. It gives the rest of us a bad name.

Not treating this as a serious business. If you respect yourself and your skills, respect from others will follow.

Knowing how to price your services. Get it clear in your mind that you offer professional services, and you should be reimbursed fairly for that. Like I said before, Leva helped me immensely in that area.

Leva: Do you have any recommendations for someone just starting a secretarial business?

Nancy: Don't reinvent the wheel. Instead, pick the brains of more experienced people like Leva.

Nancy has operated A+ Secretarial and Business Services In Vista California for 9 years. She the author of "14 Surefire Tips to Get the Job of Your Dreams," a concise book to assist job hunters. For more information about her secretarial services or her book, call 760-945-666, email, or visit


Medical Transcription - Easy to read sales materials

Make Your Sales Materials Easy to Read

Easy-to-read, professionally-designed sales materials can maximize your sales. Your promotional materials can include business cards, flyers, postcards, letterhead, sales letters, and web site.

Follow these tips to make your sales materials user friendly and increase sales.


  • Use color and spacing to make your brochures and flyers easy to read.
  • Dark text on a light background is easy to read.
  • Avoid text on dark and busy backgrounds.


  • Use short paragraphs.
  • Break up your sales copy into short, easy-to-read sections and use subheadings to highlight benefits.
  • Provide the most important information such as your benefits and USP immediately.

  • Make it easy to contact you.
  • Provide your phone number, email address, and URL (web address).

Make your sales documents easy to read. If you want your prospects to read your sales materials, you have to make them easy to read.


Medical Transcription - Action words

Use action words in all your marketing materials. A call to action such as "call now," "order now," and "click here" can dramatically increase your sales. Motivate readers to do what you want them to do with action verbs. Give precise instructions. Tell them exactly what to do. Give them a direct order. Add an incentive or benefit to your order.

Here are examples of action words.

Examples of Call to Action

- Pick up your phone right now and call our toll-free number at 1-800-444-1234.
- Order NOW before all copies of this limited edition are taken! 1-800-444-1234.
- Click here to instantly order this course.
- Ten ways to increase your Web sales immediately. Sign up now to get this $29 value free!
- Increase your Web site traffic by 300 percent! Click here to find out how!
- Browse our recommended Web design resources! Click here.
- Recommend this site to your friends!

A "Call to Action" is one of many strategies successful copywriters use. This proven copywriting technique can substantially increase your sales ... so start using action verbs in all your promotional materials!


Medical Transcription - Power words

Power words elicit emotions and create visual pictures in your readers' mind. Here are twenty of the most important words that have proven to attract attention, motivate prospects to buy, and increase sales. Use them in your headlines and copy of your sales materials and web site.

Free trial offer.

How to generate free online traffic.

Do you want to get out of the rat race?

Do you want to make serious money?

New material never before shared in public.

In this article, you'll discover resources that will help you generate more profits.

Find out how you can start in this amazing home business today!

Find out the hottest new Internet marketing breakthroughs.

Get the latest techniques to developing your web site.

Three proven ways to get people to open your email.

A proven technique that will generate sales and profits for your web site automatically.

Guarantee yourself a top ranking on Google.
Marketing expert reveals powerful marketing strategies guaranteed to increase your profits.
Our system is backed by a 100 percent zero risk guarantee.

Seven distinct ways to make money online.
Four key ways to make money with an ezine.

Top 10 ways to develop a successful web site.

10 top ways to make your web site more effective immediately.

10 inside secrets of profitable home businesses.

If you want to get in on this rare home business opportunity, you need to act now!

Pick up your phone and call now! Go on ... do it right now!

The techniques you'll discover in this report can save you a small fortune.
22 ways to save time promoting your web site.

How to attract buyers' attention with compelling headlines.
How to write compelling copy to attract more people to your web site.

4 easy ways to order.You get an easy-to-follow marketing guide.

7 easy ways to increase sales -- fast.

Free report reveals how to boost traffic and increase your sales on the Internet.
Master marketer reveals seven top ways to make money with your web site.

An insider's guide to top search engine ranking.Insider secrets to your own million dollar Internet business.

10 marketing tips for online success.A blueprint for your online success.Secrets on how to design a web site for success!

Use these power words when writing headlines and content for your sales materials and web site. They will attract attention and convert more prospects into buyers.


Medical Transcription - Is it easy to buy from you?

If it's not easy for prospects to buy from you, they won't. Use this checklist to find obstacles in your sales materials that will cost sales.

Do you have your contact information on all your sales documents? Is your contact information easy to find?

Do you provide the information your customers need to buy your products or services? This may include:

· Product information.
· Pricelist. (You may not always mention your price. You want to give your prospects a reason to call you)
· What your services can do.
· Who your services are useful to.
· How customers use your services.
· Tips for buying your services (to help prospects make an informed decision).
· Testimonials and customer list.
· Money-back guarantee.
· Answers to frequently-asked questions.

Are you using action words? Are you telling prospect to call you? See our article " Increase Sales with Action Words."

Are you using power words? See our article "Attract Buyers with Power Words."

Payment and Ordering Methods

· Do you provide several payment options?
· Do you accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover?
· Can customers pay by check or money order?

Make it easier to buy from you and you will boost your sales immediately.


Medical Transcription - Articles secretarial services

Below are articles that will help you start providing secretarial services or start another home business.

Articles about starting and running a home-based business

Medical Transcription - Articles medical transcription

Below are articles that will help you start providing medical transcription services, secretarial services, or otherhome business.

Articles about medical transcription

Articles about starting and running a home-based business

Medical Transcription - You can start a home business

Many people depend on their employers to pay them a salary. They get paid the same amount of money every week and are lucky to get a raise every year or so. They have to punch a time-clock every day. They look forward to the weekend for two days of rest but end up cramming all their neglected responsibilities into those two days.

There are two major groups of people: 1. Leaders and 2. Followers.

Leaders are not happy working for someone else. They are continually striving for a way out of the rat-race because they want to lead instead of follow. Many leaders recognize that they will never achieve the success they desire working for someone else. But they are afraid of leaving their job and surviving on their own. How could they pay the rent? Put their children through college? Buy groceries? Because of these fears, leaders will often lives as followers because they believe they don't have a choice.

But they do have a choice! Let me explain ...

Let's take the example of a mother who just had a baby and wants to stay at home. Her maternity leave from her employer only allows her six weeks. If she doesn't go back to work, she will lose her job and her income. If her husband doesn't bring in enough money to support her and the baby she think she doesn't have a choice.

If this mother wants to stay at home with her baby, she can start a home-based business and work at home. Depending on her skills, she can start a secretarial business, a medical transcription business, a daycare business, a cleaning business, a basket business, and many other home based businesses. She can stay home be with her new child and work at home. A home-based business is good for the child, the mother, and the family.

Other working mothers who can trust a "mother-run" daycare center more than a commercial daycare. And because the daycare center is in the mother's home, she can charge 40%-50% less than commercial day care centers and probably make more money compared to her old job.

Check out those web sites for more information on starting a daycare business. daycare business daycare busines 2 Daycare management software.

Too often, people who want to start their own business will seek for products and services they don't know anything about. There are a lot of ways to make money working from home. If you start a business you don't have the skills for, you will have a steep learning curse and you may get discouraged.
If you want to work at home and start a home-based business, consider a business based on the skills you already possess. Here are some popular, legitimate home businesses.


Medical Transcription - Freelance work

Looking For Freelance Work?
Check Out The World's Large Database Of Freelance Work

Looking for freelance work? Elance is the world's largest database of web design, graphic design, and administrative projects! Bidding on projects on Elance is a great way to get freelance work. Many people working from hojme get freelance work from Elance.

If you provide a service such as a typing, word processing, transcription, graphics design, or web design, you should consider bidding on projects at Elance to get freelance work from home. Here's how it works.
Elance offers small businesses a quick, easy way to outsource projects to service providers. Businesses needing services post their projects and service providers bid to do the work.

Registering with Elance and posting projects is free. There is a small fee to bid on projects. You'll find that it's well worth it. Go to Elance now and check it out!

Project posted in the administrative support category include: word processing, transcription (such as transcribing books), data entry, typing and writing resumes, mailing list development, administrative services, web research, bulk mailing, fact checking, compiling medical glossaries, presentation formatting, order processing, and printing.

Other services posted include: graphic design, logo design, multimedia, writing, editing and proofreading, desktop publishing, page layout, book layout, database development, logos, brochures, bookkeeping, business plans, translation, telemarketing, web design, web development, web programming, and many more.

Businesses (buyers) can locate, evaluate, negotiate with, and pay service providers, substantially reducing the time it takes to buy services and manage projects while obtaining 20-60% cost savings.

They choose a service provider based on bids, profile information, work samples, and feedback ratings from previous Elance buyers. Message boards help assure confidence in both parties before the project begins.

After a bid is accepted, the buyer and service provider can use Work Space to communicate, schedule deadlines, exchange files, and deliver the final product. Once a project is complete, the service provider invoices the buyer through Elance and buyers can use Elance Billing and Payment to send payment to service providers around the world. Both buyer and service provider then provide feedback ratings.

Elance is a great resource to get freelance work and work from home. You can also use Elance when you need to hire a freelancer yourself to help with your businesss.

Startasecretarialbusiness highly recommends Elance. Get your share of work at home. Register with Elance for free now and check out this great work at home resource and the world's largest database of web design, graphic design, and administrative projects! Click to see for yourself

Find jobs, including secretarial jobs, office support, and administrative
jobs at the Internet largest job site. Click on the banner below.

Search Jobs on


Medical Transcription - It's your business

It's Your Home Business - Will It Sink Or Swim?
by Michele Miller

Businesses fail for many different reasons. Here's what you should be thinking about so that your business is not one that sinks, but one that swims and stays afloat!

If you're looking at a new business, make up a business plan, include your goals and financial projections. YOU need to know more than anyone where you are headed. Your business plan doesn't have to be drawn up by a professional business planner, you can do it yourself. Write down the hard costs of getting the business started and maintained, including costs of licenses, equipment, inventory etc. Don't forget to include how much income you will need to be bringing in, or have saved up until you start to show a profit. Always have a Plan-B in place. Lack of planning will have your business sinking in no time at all.

Business owners are generally "go-getters", which means they are usually hard workers.Staying disciplined, even for the hard worker can be difficult at times, especially when there is no boss or supervisor around to crack that whip and make you do your work.Getting lazy and not being productive with your business is a surefire way to sink it.

Here are some tips to keep you on track and keep your business afloat.

Daily "to do" lists are constant reminders that keep you on track. They keep you motivated, and it feels good to cross things off as you get things done. You need to have a sense of accomplishment, and this helps serve that purpose.

Push your business to new heights every day by doing just a little bit more than you need to. This will ensure that it will SWIM

Break up your day into segments; plan your day properly.Give yourself a proper work time schedule and try to stick with it. Even if you don't work 9-5 anymore, pretend you do. Having your own home business often means working more than eight hours a day to turn a profit. Be prepared for that. That way you will SWIM and not SINK.

Give yourself a proper lunch break.This will give you a routine and give you something to look forward to.Reward yourself for keeping up with your work.It will keep you positive and motivated.

Post inspiring quotes and verses in your home business area.

Don't allow friends and family to drop by and take up your time. In the beginning, I had friends that thought because I worked from home that I could sit around and chat with them all day longŠ It's amazing that they think this, but they do. Be firm with them. My friends now know that they had better call before they "pop in for a coffee", and I do tell them "no" if it's not convenient. Lazing around watching TV or chatting with friends is 100% guaranteed to help SINK your business.

Another time taker is the telephone. I screen my calls and let the machine pick up almost all day, unless it is about business. Caller ID was a super investment! It will help your business to have Caller ID. I promise.

Mentally remind yourself from time to time that one of the reasons your home business can fail is procrastination.The fear of this should help keep your business on the right track.

I think you know what bad employees can do to a business; be careful who represents you/works for you.

If you don't have time to do your work and work your business, it's bound to SINK! Don't let other aspects of life get in the way. Sure the car needs washing, the laundry needs doing, the house needs cleaning, you need to get other things done, but not during business hours. The key here is to PRIORITIZE properly and take your business seriously.

Try and get some daily exercise. It refreshes you and clears the mind. It will help you stay positive. Plus, it's good for you.

Network with other "successful people" who own a similar type of business. If you are having trouble finding these people, try your local Chamber of Commerce, or just contact other business owners. Try to learn from people who have been successful; make sure they¹ve walked the walk before you take their advice.

Taking this advice will hopefully give you some ideas about keeping your business afloat, swimming, and very successful.

To Your Success!

Michele Miller is a home-based business owner and a medical transcriptionist.
She is also the author of
The Step-by-Step Guide To Medical Transcription at Home. Michelle has
helped many people start their own medical transcription business. She can help you too.
Click here for details.

Top Recommended Medical Transcription Resources

Medical transcription at home is legitimate work and a real at home business. Do you want to make $25.00 to $35.00 an hour? If you have typing skills, you should seriously consider a medical transcription at home career.
You can start small and build up your business at your own pace, in your spare time.You don't have to give up a job to start medical transcription at home if you don't want to.

My friend Michelle has helped many people start their own medical transcription business. She can help you too.The Step-by-Step Guide To Medical Transcription at Home.
Click here for details.

Home Study Courses

medical transcription
medical terminology

More Medical Transcription Resources

Article: How Michele started her medical transcription at home career. Click here.
Article: It's Your Home Business - Will It Sink Or Swim? Click here.
Daniel has created a great FREE word expander program for medical transcriptionists. Check it out at http;//
Resources for medical transcriptionists, including office supplies, transcription machines, software, computers, and computer accessories. Click here.


Medical Transcription - Medical billing - is it a scam?

Read below what Paul Hacket has to say about the medical billing business. Paul is dedicated to assisting people who want to provide medical billing from home. His book, "Medical Billing Beginners Book" is a must read before buying any medical billing software or product. Click here to get more information about his book.
Medical Billing from Home: Is It a Scam, Is It Hot or Not?
by Paul G. Hackett

Well, that seems to depend upon whom you ask! If you ask the Federal Trade Commission and ABC - World News Tonight (who did a story on an individual that wanted to do medical billing from home and was scammed out of their money by one of the unscrupulous medical billing opportunity vendors) say that medical billing is the biggest scam ever and it isn't a viable home based business.

If you ask those that have gotten scammed at least one or more times it becomes a split decision. Some of those scammed continued to plug away at fulfilling their dreams and today have thriving businesses in this field. The remaining folks that got stung and just gave up are understandably bitter and angry at those that stung them but they are taking out their frustrations on the home based medical billing industry instead of on the companies that took their money in the first place. Those are the individuals that the FTC, WABC and the other agencies are basing their conclusions on. So, wouldn't you agree that the basis of the conclusion is a bit one sided since they (FTC & WABC) never interview those that are successful in a medical billing business from home?

What do the thousands of medical billing business owners (like myself) that are a vital part of a physicians' day-to-day operation have to say?

OF COURSE MEDICAL BILLING IS A VIABLE BUSINESS, we wouldn¹t be able to be in business if it weren't. Nothing that the FTC, WABC or any disgruntled medical biller wannabe has to say about it will change that. As a matter of fact the FTC used a medical billing business owner in April 2002 to help them identify and bring down 5 medical billing vendors that were scamming good intentioned people out of their money so even if they (FTC) won¹t admit it even they know our business is for real and how big it has become in the past 5 years. When WABC was looking for an individual that was scammed who did they call to help them in their search? That¹s Right, a medical billing business owner!

Should you, the stay at home mom, dad, disabled, elderly or unemployed get into this field?

My answer is yes but only if you are prepared mentally, physically, emotionally and financially to see it through to the end because it¹s not a get rich quick program like it¹s advertised to be in newspapers and other printed media. This is not to say that there aren¹t people that fail at this business but we all know that starting a business in any field is a risk. The biggest reason that people fail at this business is because the individual did not do the necessary research in the beginning about this industry before jumping in with both feet and nostrils wide open. So in essence they set themselves up for failure and left themselves wide open to getting scammed!

Research allows an individual to asses whether or not this field is right for them, would alert them as to which companies to be leery of and where they should go to network with others that are already successful in the field as their basis of a support channel. If individuals would take these steps in the beginning then they would not be candidates to be scammed, they would build the firm foundation that every successful company need to become successful, they would prosper greatly financially in the medical billing industry, there would be a dramatic decline in the amount of claims filed with the FTC, the companies that are trying to scam people would suffer greatly and hopefully go out of business.

As long as there are physicians that are not getting fully reimbursed, spending thousands on employees, whose overhead continues to sky-rocket yearly, is having problems recovering their payments from patients or are just starting out and need help setting-up their practices there will always be a need for an at home medical billing business owner. It¹s been that way for years and will continue to be a viable and lucrative field for those that are really interested in this industry, educated about what it takes to be in this field, and are skilled enough to get the job done in a timely and professional fashion. So before you get started, EDUCATE YOURSELF and you to will be able to reap the rewards of owning a medical/dental billing business from the comforts of your home.

Paul G. Hackett is the President of Stelo Medical Management, Inc. and is dedicated to assisting those interested in the proper ways of getting started, setting up and operating a successful medical billing company from home. His book, "Medical Billing Beginners Book" is the beginner's first line of defense from the scams and misguided advice you find online and off line. You can contact him at for more information. Click here to purchase his book.

* * * * * * *

Medical Billing Resources

Medical billing beginners book. Paul runs a successful, legitimate medical billing business. He shows how to avoid medical billing scams and educates people about the who, what, where and why of this profitable industry. He shows step-by-step how to start a successful medical billing business from home. This is the only medical billing book I recommend! You must read this before buying software or other products about medical billing. Click here

Medical Billing Certification Program . Comprehensive, affordable online home study. Software and support included. Click here.

To learn more about the Medical Billing Industry before taking a course, read the Medical Billing Beginners Book below. Click here.

Medical billing home study course. Click here.

Medical transcription resources

Recommended Medical Business Resources

1. Michelle has helped many people start their own medical transcription business. She can help you too. The Step-by-Step Guide To Medical Transcription at Home. Click here for details.

2. Medical billing beginners book. Paul runs a successful, legitimate medical billing business. He shows how to avoid medical billing scams and educates people about the who, what, where and why of this profitable industry. He shows step-by-step how to start a successful medical billing business from home. This is the only medical billing book I recommend! You must read this before buying software or other products about medical billing. Click here

Read Paul's article "Medical Billing from Home: Is it a Scam, Is it Hot or Not? Click here to red what Paul says about the Medical Billing business.

Home study courses

Medical Billing Certification Program . Comprehensive, affordable online home study. Software and support included. Click here.

To learn more about the Medical Billing Industry before taking a course, read the Medical Billing Beginners Book below. Click here.


Medical Transcription - Medical Transcription in rural areas

Medical Transcription Job Appeals to Rural Residents
Reprinted from Article by Dave Kolpack, Associate Press.

WAHPETON, N.D. - Colleen Keller has been driving about 2 1/2 hours a day for the last nine months to learn how to transcribe medical reports. Her next commute should be down the hallway of her rural Gwinner home.
Keller is joining a growing number of rural North Dakota residents who are working from home on their computers. She's one of about 30 students enrolled in the one-year medical transcription program at North Dakota State College of Science.

"To be able to work for a big facility and stay in the rural area is a huge benefit," said Keller, 43.
Eide Bailly, an accountancy and consulting firm with offices in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Montana, Iowa and Arizona, has announced it will hire about 100 medical transcriptionists in the next year, and up to 300 in the next five years.

"There are so many people in small communities that are looking for opportunities like that," said Penny Fedje, director of the medical transcription program and NDSCS. "This is something that can keep younger people in the state."

Of the 15 transcriptionists working out of Eide Bailly's Minot office, nine of them live in rural areas or small towns, said site manager Ann Solberg.

"We're flexible with scheduling, which can be good for a farm family that may have chores or other work to do," Solberg said. "And someone with experience can make a pretty darn decent wage."
Patty Munro, 33, of rural Page, quit her job as an accountant in town to raise her children and help her husband on the farm. She decided to enroll in the NDSCS program after it was advertised as a well-kept secret.
"To be able to work from home and have the benefits and the pay I'm getting, I don't think I could be doing anything better," said Munro, who works for Fargo-based MeritCare.

Transcriptionists are paid on performance, but most earn between $17,000 and $22,000 a year, an NDSCS report said. Top workers can make more than $20 an hour, Solberg said.
Vicki Brakke works as a transcriptionist near Aneta, where her husband is a farmer. She packs up her computer before Thanksgiving and moves to the Seattle area, where they spend winters.
"I just take the job along," Brakke said. "I love telecommuting. It's really the ideal job for people who live in rural areas."

Medical transcriptionists listen to dictated recordings by physicians and other health care professionals and transcribe them into documents. It requires an understanding of medical technology, anatomy, procedures and treatment.

"Medical is its own language altogether," Fedje said.
Transcriptionists must achieve a 98 percent accuracy rate, Keller said.
"That's not much room for error," she said. "That's good, because it needs to be correct, but it does put a lot of pressure on you initially."

About 75 students have completed the NDSCS program since it began in 2000. Eide Bailly recently gave the college hardware and software to help with the training, which also is available through the Internet, Fedje said.
Not all graduates of the program are qualified to work from home, Fedje said. Some students are required to work on site for six months to a year, depending on ability.

"I really enjoy typing and I think it's a career where you're always learning new things," said Jessica Kubischta, 20, from Dickinson, who's set to graduate. "And being able to eventually work from home is a good deal, too."

Reprinted from Article by Dave Kolpack, Associate Press.

Brought to you by xxxx

Top Recommended Medical Transcription Resources

Medical transcription at home is legitimate work and a real at home business. Do you want to make $25.00 to $35.00 an hour? If you have typing skills, you should seriously consider a medical transcription at home career.
You can start small and build up your business at your own pace, in your spare time.You don't have to give up a job to start medical transcription at home if you don't want to.

My friend Michelle has helped many people start their own medical transcription business. She can help you too.The Step-by-Step Guide To Medical Transcription at Home.
Click here for details.

Home Study Courses

medical transcription
medical terminology

More Medical Transcription Resources
Article: How Michele started her medical transcription at home career. Click here.
Article: It's Your Home Business - Will It Sink Or Swim?
Click here.
Daniel has created a great FREE word expander program for medical transcriptionists. Check it out at http;//
Resources for medical transcriptionists, including office supplies, transcription machines, software, computers, and computer accessories. Click here.
* * * * * * * *

Provided by Leva Duell, Start a Secretarial Service, © 2005.

Be sure to forward this blog to friends who are interested in
starting a secretarial service.


Medical Transcription - A little known market for transcription

Business transcription is one of the best profit centers for secretarial services. Many professionals dictate documents that need to be transcribed. Transcribing is just a fancy term for typing dictated materials. The transcriptionist listens to the dictated recording and transcribes or types the dictation.

If you know how to type, you can provide transcription services for businesses. You don't have to be a medical transcriptionist or know medical terminology.

Who needs transcription services?

Workshop/seminar leaders and public speakers often transcribe their seminars and talks. Television stations and independent television producers need transcription. Insurance companies farm out transcription work but often require some knowledge of medical terminology. Authors dictate materials for their books.

If you have specialized training such as nursing, massage therapy or physical therapy, you have knowledge of medical terminology and can provide medical transcription in areas you are knowledgeable about.

An easy way to break into medical transcription without extensive knowledge of medical terminology is to target psychologists. Several of my associates got transcription work that way.

* * * * * * * * * *

Provided by Leva Duell, Start a Secretarial Service, © 2005.

Be sure to forward this blog to friends who are interested in
starting a secretarial service.