Medical Transcription:Cheap flyers
Cheap flyers
Super Cheap Flyers Paper flyers are one of the oldest and most effective forms of marketing. Their low-tech quality packs a lot of advertising punch for just pennies per flyer. When Samuel Adams alerted Patriots to the Boston Tea Party, he did it with flyers.
Your flyers may not get into history books, but they certainly can boost sales.
- Put a big black headline at the top of your flyer that screams your most important benefit. ENJOY CLEAN WINDOWS! $5.00!
- Include a graphic that shows someone using your product or service. Black and white drawings work well.
- Have photos half-toned (broken up into little dots like newspaper photos) to photocopy better.
Use a light colored paper. Darker colors sometimes make your text hard to read. - Type your text in larger 14 point type that is easy to read fast.
- Be sure to check local laws before posting flyers.
- Many neighborhoods welcome flyers stapled to rubber bands and placed around front door knobs.
Kevin Nunley provides marketing and copy writing. Read all his free tips at Reach Kevin at or 603-249-9519.
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