Medical Transcription - Be a spy
Spy constantly on your competitors, your industry, and yourself. Keep an open mind. Look for things you may not have expected or rather not see.
Why is this important? Most of us tend to develop beliefs about ourselves, our products, and our businesses. We have strong feelings about why we are good, why people should buy from us, and why our customers find us important.
Believing in yourself and your products and services is very important. It is hard to be successful if you don't believe with confidence.
Beliefs can also blind us to reality or new conditions. Believing in a false reality can bring unpleasant surprises down the road when a competitor suddenly surges or customers begin to stay away.
The best cure is to spy. Watch yourself, your biz, and others with open eyes. Look for solid indicators that your view of things may need an adjustment. If someone disagrees with your view, listen to them. There may be some valuable grains of truth in what they think.
Kevin Nunley provides marketing and copy writing. Read all his free tips at http://http://DrNunley.comReach Kevin at or 603-249-9519.
Why is this important? Most of us tend to develop beliefs about ourselves, our products, and our businesses. We have strong feelings about why we are good, why people should buy from us, and why our customers find us important.
Believing in yourself and your products and services is very important. It is hard to be successful if you don't believe with confidence.
Beliefs can also blind us to reality or new conditions. Believing in a false reality can bring unpleasant surprises down the road when a competitor suddenly surges or customers begin to stay away.
The best cure is to spy. Watch yourself, your biz, and others with open eyes. Look for solid indicators that your view of things may need an adjustment. If someone disagrees with your view, listen to them. There may be some valuable grains of truth in what they think.
Kevin Nunley provides marketing and copy writing. Read all his free tips at http://http://DrNunley.comReach Kevin at or 603-249-9519.
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