Medical Transcription

Home based medical transcription.

Location: Oceanside/San Diego, California, United States

Leva Duell is the author of the Secretarial Business-In-A-Box and the General Transcription Business-In-A-Box helping poeple start their own secretarial business and general/business transcription business.


Medical Transcription: Should you consider medical transcription?

Home Medical Transcriptioin: A Decent Living or a Scam?
by: Stephen Bucaro

No doubt you have seen many ads by medical transcription schools claiming that you can make big money typing medical transcription at home.

Can you really make a good living doing medical transcription at home, or is it just another scam? In this article, you'll learn the honest facts about home medical transcription.

Can you really make a decent living doing home medical transcription? Yes and no.

Yes - Many people are earning $50,000 to $80,000 or more per year typing medical transcription at home. They work where they want, when they want, and as much as they want. The amount of medical transcription work that needs to be done FAR exceeds the available transcribers to do the work. When I say the demand exceeds the supply, I mean the situation is desperate.

No - Reading a few booklets and listening to a few tapes will not make you into an instant $50,000 per year medical transcriptionist. If you're not ready to commit to between six months and a year of hard study and practice, find another means of earning a living.

Typing medical transcription is not like typing a letter to your mother. It's far more challenging. Below are some of the challenges you must be prepared to meet.

1. You must have a good understanding of medical terminology.

You need to know how to spell the names of the latest medical conditions, drugs, medical tests, treatments, and procedures, and just knowing how to spell them is not enough.

Because of challenge #2 decribed below, you need to have some familiarity with medical conditions and what tests, drugs, and treatments are related to that condition. It's difficult to learn this with a mail order medical transcription course. This type of knowledge comes from experience. - You don't need to be familiar with ALL medical terminology.

Many transcriptionists specialize in specific areas such as gastroenterology or opthalmology. However, when you want to go on vacation, you'll need someone else to take over your work while you're gone. In reciprocation, you'll need to cover for someone else when they go on vacation, and they may be transcribing to a different field than you're familiar with.

2. You need to be able to extract the transcription from a noisy electronic recording.

Unfortunately, many doctors mumble, garble, don't enunciate, don't speak up, or talk too fast when they dictate. Combine the above problems with a thick, foreign accent and you can have real dificulty understanding what the doctor is saying. In many instances, the only way you will be able to decipher what the doctor is saying is if you are familiar with medical conditions and what tests, drugs, and treatments are related to that condition. - Doctors dictate "on the fly". They don't have time to think about proper sentence construction as the words emanate from their mouth.

Frequently the sentence they started doesn't make any sense or has an error by the time they get to the end. Do you edit what the doctor said, or just type the jiberish as dictated? Usually a doctor appreciates when you clean up their dictation. On the other hand, medical documents are often presented as evidence in legal actions. You're taking on liability if you change what the doctor actually said.

- Many transcriptionists have their own group of doctors that they type for and eventually become familiar with the idiosyncracies of each doctor. This makes understanding what they are saying much easier; however, when a you go on vacation, someone else will need to cover the doctors while you're gone. In reciprocation, you'll need to cover for someone else when they go on vacation. You won't be familiar with how the doctors dictate.

3. To make the earnings cited above, you need to be able to sit and type for long hours. You need to isolate yourself from the noise and distraction of other human beings (and some pets) and pound on that keyboard hour after hour. As I stated earlier, the amount of medical transcription work available far exceeds the available transcribers to do the work. Some transcriptionists let greed take control of them and sit at the computer for 16 hours seven days per week. They get accustom to a $100,000 a year lifestyle. But what does it do for their health? -

Medical transcription companies charge more for "fast turn around". Some pass part of this money onto the transcriptionist, others just demand the work get done immediately. In either case, fast turn around work prevents you from controlling your own working hours. Now that I've discouraged you, the fact is that many medical transcriptionists do work where they want, when they want, as much as they want, and earn a respectable living. If you're up to the challenge, how do you became a medial transcriptionist?


You'll need to be proficient in the use of a computer. You'll need to be a fast typist. If you can't type as fast as the doctor dictates, you'll be working hard with the foot pedal to move back and forth in the recording. You must be comfortable using a Word Processing application such as Microsoft Word or Workperfect. You'll need to know how to format documents and how to use macros. If you don't use macros you'll be typing the same phrases over and over.

If you decide to sign up for a medical transcription course, make sure the course provides plenty of authentic dictations. You cannot become a medical transcriptionist by just reading medical terminology. You need to hear it spoken. Just listening to terms being pronounced is of limited use. You need to hear the terms used in a sentence. Simulated medical dictations are fine, but you need some practice with actual medical dictations.

- Find a course that teaches basic anatomy and physiology along with terminology.

The best way to learn The best way to learn is with on-the-job training. If you have a doctor friend or family member who does dictations, ask them if you can transcribe a low-priority dictaion for practice. If you're working at a clinic or hospital as a secretary or receptionist, investigate how the transcription gets done and volunteer to help.

Start out with a specific type of transcription such as letters or office notes in specficic specialities. As you get more experience, your speed will improve and you can branch out into other types of transcriptions for other specialties.

The amount of medical transcription work that needs to be done far exceeds the available transcribers to do the work.

Yes, you can make a decent living doing home medical transcription. You can work where you want, when you want, and as much as you want. But, medical transcription is an occupation only for those who are prepared to meet the challenge.

Copyright(C) 2005 Bucaro TecHelp. Stephen Bucaro. To learn how to maintain your computer and use it more effectively to design a Web site and make money on the Web visit To subscribe to Bucaro TecHelp Newsletter visit

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Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription: Success quotes

Consider what it takes to become an undeniable success with these sincere quotations that identify the fundamental factors necessary to triumph...

" Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other thing."
-- Abraham Lincoln

"God gave us two ends. One to sit on and one to think with. Success depends on which one you use; head you win -- tails, you lose."
-- Anonymous

"The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity."
-- Ayn Rand

"Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get."
-- B. R. Hayden

"Success is a journey, not a destination."
-- Ben Sweetland

"The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes."
-- Benjamin Disraeli

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."
-- Bill Cosby

"The secret of success is to be in harmony with existence, to be always calm… to let each wave of life wash us a little farther up the shore."
-- Cyril Connolly

"All of us are born for a reason, but all of us don't discover why. Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It's what you do for others."
-- Danny Thomas

"Don't confuse fame with success. Madonna is one; Helen Keller is the other."
-- Erma Bombeck

"Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must first set yourself on fire."
-- Fred Shero

"Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time."
-- George Bernard Shaw

"A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success."
-- Joyce Brothers

"Failure is success if we learn from it."
-- Malcolm S. Forbes

"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself."
-- Mark Caine

"True success is overcoming the fear of being unsuccessful."
-- Paul Sweeney

"Get up one time more than you're knocked down."
-- Peter's Principle of Success

"Most people who succeed in the face of seemingly impossible conditions are people who simply don't know how to quit."
-- Robert Schuller

"The truth is that all of us attain the greatest success and happiness possible in this life whenever we use our native capacities to their greatest extent."
-- Smiley Blanton

"When your physical environment is in alignment with your aspiration, success becomes the norm."
-- Susan St Lawrence

"The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people."
-- Theodore Roosevelt

"The way to succeed is to double your error rate."
-- Thomas Watson

"Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price."
-- Vince Lombardi

"Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm."
-- Winston Churchill

"Success is the maximum utilization of the ability that you have."
-- Zig Ziglar

Resource Box - © Danielle Hollister (2004) is the Publisher of BellaOnline Quotations Zine - A free newsletter for quote lovers featuring more than 10,000 quotations in dozens of categories like - love, friendship, children, inspiration, success, wisdom, family, life, and many more. Read it online at -


Medical Transcription:Secretarial Services:Small Business Plan and Start Up

Small business plan and start up is the main page of the site. It can direct you to details about starting a business, writing a business plan, a financial statement, a mission statement, an executive summary and business finances.

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:Writing A Small Business Plan Sample

This Small Business Plan Sample will help you write your business plan in the correct manner. You will get to see what a business plan really looks like. And also see how it can help your business.

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:Business Checklist Plan

Business Checklist Plan will make sure you have not forgotten anything that should be included in you business plan. more...

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription: Help With A Business Plan

If you are looking for Help With A Business Plan, you are in the right place. When it comes to writing a business plan there are seven parts that you need to master to get it done. Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:Communication Keys for Success

Communication Keys for Success

Improving communication is a major need for many organizations.

Whether you are a manager, supervisor, or frontline employee, there are always opportunities to improve communication. Often, communication problems occur when people don’t pay attention to the basics. Here are five keys to better communication.

Focus on the Situation or Behavior
When communicating, focus on the situation or the behavior occurring, not the person. This allows you to better communicate with the other person, rather than to seemingly pick on them. People tend to be more open to discussing the situation they are in or their behavior. When it gets personal, there is less willingness to change.

Focus on the Positive
Focus on the positive aspects of the other person to build the other person’s self-esteem. By looking at something positive about the other person, you can better deal with areas needed for improvement.

Look for "Win-Win" Opportunities
Look for opportunities where both you and the other person benefit -- "win-win" situations where both of you can develop. In today’s rapidly changing world, managers, supervisors, and frontline employees can always learn from each other.

Strive for Open Communication
Strive for open and direct communication with others. A manager or supervisor can speak in a direct and clear manner and still show respect for the other person. Clear expectations provide direction for a job well done.

Share Information
Share appropriate information with others. Organizations are realizing that they are all on the same team. Better sharing of information means that managers, supervisors and frontline employees are better informed and can provide improved customer service.

Reprint Information
Your organization may reprint this article for your newsletter, online publication, or mailing list. We ask that you print the:

article in its entirety;
byline of the writer;
information about the writer, which is available at the end of each article; and
contact information, including our toll-free phone number in the U.S. (800-886-2MAX) and website address (
We would appreciate a tear sheet or electronic copy of the articles you reprint.

Jeffrey W. Drake, Ph.D., is a professional speaker for AchieveMax®, Inc., a firm specializing in custom-designed keynote presentations, seminars, and consulting services. Dr. Drake has made presentations ranging from time management to empowered teams and project management to communication styles. For information, call 800-886-2MAX or visit

Medical Transcription:ZyDoc Optimizes Olympus DS 4000 Professional Digital Recorder for e-Transcription Service (PR Web)

ZyDoc now features the Olympus DS 4000 Professional Digital Recorder for its award-winning e-Transcription service. Doctors improve productivity using the Olympus handheld recorder with intuitive slide controls and automatically upload dictations in seconds. ZyDoc software ensures HIPAA compliance and facilitates faster document turnaround with e-signature, browser-accessible secure Internet more...

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:Believe In Yourself

Believe In Yourself

Believe In Yourself (Believe Your Way to Success)

Believe in yourself. It sounds so simple, doesn't it? Some people will tell you it is easy and others will say it is impossible depending on their own experiences. Yet, most of us have learned that is necessary to believe in your abilities to achieve a particular goal.

Have you ever done something just because somebody told you to do it, but you didn't think you could get it done? I don't know what that task was for you, but I do know you didn't give it your best and it did not have a positive outcome for you. Think about that for a moment. You can probably make of list of the things you failed at because you did not believe you could do it or that you could not do it well enough.

On the other hand, you can probably think of successes in your life that were made possible because you believed in yourself and your capabilities even if no one else did.

You must learn, if you haven't already, that you can achieve whatever you set out to do. But... (there's usually a but) you must be willing to do what is necessary to build your competence and confidence; your persistence and your patience; and your knowledge and your stamina. These are but a few of the building blocks for learning to believe in yourself through preparation for the task to be accomplished.

The same applies to running a successful business of any kind. You must believe in yourself and that you are able to do whatever is needed to make it successful - for you. Not because you have to, but because you choose to prepare yourself for successes. I often say that "if you believe in yourself - you will prepare yourself"

When it comes to operating a successful online business you must prepare yourself for success. The best way to do this is to learn from the 'masters' or 'gurus' who have made their fortunes
on the Internet.

There are a numerous sources of information on internet marketing, etc., but many of them are pitiful, unproductive schemes. Fortunately, there are a number of informative online newsletters (Ezines) full of useful advise and resources to direct you on the right path to a successful business of your own.

Yes, it's true. You can believe your way to success.

Manna Success News, a free weekly Ezine provides short, information packed online marketing articles by experts in the industry. Each issue includes at least one FREE E-book for subscribers and links to the best resources to help you start or grow your business.

Until the next time Keep on believing.

Copyright 2005 Burke Publications - All Rights Reserved

Dr. J. Elisha Burke
Editor, Manna Success Newsletter
Burke Publications
Copyright 2005 Burke Publications
All Rights Reserved
Dr. J. E. Burke, a college instructor, has been involved in various business enterprises via his business, Burke Publications for 11 years. Dr. Burke is an educator, writer and motivational speaker on a variety of topics.

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:5 master qualities of extraordinary achievers.

5 master qualities of extraordinary achievers.

You can be a master achiever by developing the same qualities of those who seem to achieve more than others. Here are 5 qualities you need to master in order to become a successful person in your chosen field and in your life.

Achievers are creative.
Creativity is a fundamental quality of a visionary leader. Creativity is also essential for problem-solving, conflict resolution, crisis and change management.

As they are extensively goal and result oriented, achievers need to come up with many solutions to reach their goals; therefore they need to be more creative than others. An effective method for you to be more creative in problem resolution is:

First, sit down in a comfortable chair and think about all the ways to resolve the problem, even if it may be absurd. This is not the time to be critical, but the time to think without any judgment. Come up with at least 20 solutions.

The first eight solutions will be obvious; the second eight solutions will require some effort and therefore creativity. You will see that the last two solutions will be the hardest to find, but the most creative. And they will surely be the ones that you will stick to.

Second, act out in your head the movie of how you would implement each solution. And third, be critical as far as each solution is concerned. This is an effective way to resolve problems used by effective leaders and managers.

Develop the Habit of Courage.
They have developed the habit of courage. Courage to wake up earlier and go to bed later. They've developed self-discipline. Self-discipline is astering yourself, your actions, thinking and emotions. They know that in order to become leaders for others, they need to become a leader for themslves first.

It takes courage to have self-discipline but it is learnable. They take action even if it is uncomfortable. They go out of their comfort zone, and go for opportunities. Talk about courage!

An effective method to develop the habit of courage is to see opportunities to grow and evolve in every challenge you face. Face your fears and learn from them. There is always a positive intention behind every fear you feel.

Top People are committed to contribute.
Finally, they take action. High achievers are result and action-oriented. They are committed to action. As they make precise plan for what they really want, they go for it and are committed to reach the goal. An effective way for you to be committed to action is to set goals. Work every day on these plans and evaluate very week where you are.

Continuous Learning.
High achievers are lifelong learners who subscribe to the process of continuous improvement. They view mistakes as learning opportunities. "There is no failure, only feedback" is always their motto. They know they need to improve, take risks, make mistakes and view these mistakes as opportunities to bounce back.

An effective way for you to develop this habit is to first, read each day a book in your chosen field.
Second, listen to educational audiotapes in your car and go to seminars given by experts in your field.
By doing that, you will be ahead of your competitors and you will become more educated, therefore, you will earn more in your life.

They are Responsible.
High achievers know that they are 100% responsible for what's happening to them. They don't blame anybody else. They look themselves in the mirror and say "You can do it, it's only up to you dude!" You have the ability to respond in every situation you find yourself. Your response is up to you.

Creativity, courage, commitment, learning and responsibility are at the heart of every great achievement. Success is not always easy. People may be in your way. You may face discouragement. Problems may appear. But by learning how to be responsible, you will find solutions that others won't think of. You will find the courage to change your life and commit to excellence.

Develop a vision for your life and career will help you be at peace, happy and get far more than you could ever imagine.
Click now and learn the 5 secrets of the highly successful people, You're only one dream away from success.

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Medical Transcription

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Protecting Your Computer from Adware and Spyware
Recently, while checking our company web site statistics, we noticed a number of referrals from gambling and pornography sites. Since we are certain these types of sites would not house links to us, w...

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Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:"How To Make A Career Out Of Copyediting And Proofreading"

"How To Make A Career Out Of Copyediting And Proofreading"

Do you possess the qualities of a good proof reader? Are you good with details, spotting errors in spelling, grammar, and the flow of a piece and putting together quality work? If so, you may be able to make a career out of copyediting or proofreading. For those looking to get in to this field of copywriting, they may be stuck looking in if they do not know where or how to get established. So, is there a tried and tested method for getting your foot in the door? No matter how much any and all of us would like that; there is just no easy way to do so.

Of course, anyone looking into copyediting and proofreading can prepare themselves for the demands of the career. Training is often the most essential need. Quality training that is. For many freelance is the way to go. One slip of the finger and you could have cost yourself a good proof reading job. No matter if you get your training through online courses or go to a standard college, you’ll need to ensure that your goals remain the same. These should be quality training, dedicated work, and responsibility. For many, starting with freelance is the best way to go. In the field, copy editing and copy writing is growing in demand for quality trained employees. For others, working under other proof readers is the best first step.

It all comes down to getting that first break. When you do, it is solely up to you to make it count for all it is worth. If you have the qualities that are needed to build a career in copyediting or proofreading, you can begin work for clients online. There are several websites that are able to provide you with a connection to the clients you need. From there, it only takes one person to get moving in the right direction. You’ll find if you do a quality job the first time out, you can guarantee your services to be recommended time and time again. Or, you may even want to get in touch with a proof reader needing help. Then, you can develop your skills, work out any glitches and learn how to get your own clients. In the end, you’ll find that the answer to your how to questions is just to try!

Visit for more Articles, Resources, News and Views about Freelance Writing Jobs. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and links are included intact.

Medical Transcription


Medical Transcription:Why your ads aren't working

Why your ads aren’t working

Straight-forward answers to a key question.

The president of a manufacturing company recently asked me, “Why isn’t my advertising working?” Have you ever been asked this question? Have you ever asked it yourself?

Like most marketing communications questions there are no simple answers. After all, communication is a high level activity. There are lots of variables involved. If your ad results are disappointing, here are the key things to look at:

1) Message Is what your ad promises compelling? Is it meaningful to your audience? If you’re not offering something prospective customers want, they won’t respond. If you’re not sure what prospects want, ASK!!

2) Audience Are you reaching the people who make the buying decision for your product or service? Many big ticket sales involve buying teams or multiple layers within an organization. Are you reaching everyone you need to?

3) Vehicles Are you in the best publications (or radio time slots, TV programs, whatever)to reach your audience with your message? Look at quantitative AND qualitative data to get a true evaluation of media and vehicles.

4) Frequency/repetition There are two cardinal rules of human communication: a) People will notice your ad only when they’re interested, and b) People retain about 10% of the messages they’re exposed to each day. So for a communication program to succeed, it must repeat, repeat, repeat. (Current estimates are that it can take 7-9 repetitions of a message for it to sink in.)

5) Attention Does your ad have stopping power? Will the intended audience take the time to look? This usually requires the synergy of an arresting visual and a powerful headline.

6) Objectives Are you asking advertising to do what it’s good at? Generating inquiries and creating awareness are reasonable ad objectives. But don’t expect advertising to SELL a product. Good ads set up opportunities to sell. Your sales channel will need to close the deal.

7) Measuring results Do you really know what your advertising is achieving? Are you collecting and reviewing results that relate to your objectives? For instance, if you expect your advertising program to generate inquiries, measurement that looks at inquiry quantity and quality should be built into your program.Sound intimidating? Communication is important to any business but it’s complicated. Fortunately there are experienced consultants and agencies who can help you.

©Copyright 2005 Clairvoyant Communications, Inc.

Claire Cunningham, president of Clairvoyant Communications, Inc., has 20+ years’ experience developing and implementing successful marketing and communications programs. Sign up for Claire’s monthly e-newsletter, Communiqué, at Claire can be reached at 763-479-3499 (

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:A good logo vs. a FABULOUS logo

A good logo vs. a FABULOUS logo

If you had a choice, which one would you choose, a good logo or a fabulous logo? Think about it for a second here, although I know the answer is crystal clear. Because many of us settle for a good logo created by a credible logo designer just because he or she is a credible logo designer who charges low prices. For example, I had a client who paid $500 for a normal-looking logo.....

If you had a choice, which one would you choose, a good logo or a fabulous logo? Think about it for a second here, although I know the answer is crystal clear. Because many of us settle for a good logo created by a credible logo designer just because he or she is a credible logo designer who charges low prices. For example, I had a client who paid $500 for a normal-looking logo which looked like something anyone else can come up with. A couple of color changes to the logo, alteration of the logo text is inevitable and then maybe changing the alignment of the logo here and there….THAT’S IT! $500 per pop!!??

There are lots of reasons why we settle for a normal-looking or good looking logo apart from price. One, it’s easy to change. Two, it’s uncomplicated. Three, the logo is simple enough. But let me tell you something about logos. You need a FABULOUS logo….an OUT OF THIS WORLD logo, not just any logo, ok?

The size, the precision, the text, the symbol, the color, the font, etc all counts towards bringing the attention of your potential customers towards your company, your image and your branding. Granted, most of the large International companies have pretty simple logos and you’re thinking to yourself….that’s VERDANA font sent at size 12 and that logo is set at Myriad set at size 14……but every single one of those Internationally renowned brands and logos have their own specific fonts and size, specific and exclusive color combinations and every single symbol and icons that are is used together with the logo has a meaning.

Whether you’re in a competitive industry or not, it doesn’t matter. Whether your market is small or big, it doesn’t matter! The fact of the matter is that your customers DO remember you when they see your logo, regardless of how hard you try to convince yourself otherwise. They won’t remember your logo now, but if they see it compared to others, they will be able to pick your logo out among the lot! Trust me on this one because there has been many researches and studies that has been done in the past to back this logo fact up.

So, my advice is this….don’t skimp on your logo. Don’t pay for something that is below par and don’t pay below par for something recognizable. It’s a very fine balance, mind you, I know.

But if you want your logo to be recognized, here are some basic rules:-

cheap logos are not everything
template logos rarely work
don’t go for conventional text
create a unique and special icon together with your logo
include your website or company name in your logo
create a colorful and yet peaceful combination of colors with your logo
don’t use more than 2 or 3 colors in one logo
have different logos for different brands
hire a logo designer with loads of experience…not paper qualifications
before you decide on the logo, test it out
have a tagline to go with the logo
Your logo says a lot about you so, don’t skimp!

Marsha Maung is a freelance graphic designer and copy writer who works from her home in Selangor, Malaysia. She loves nothing more than blowing bubbles in the park with her 2 kids, Joshua and Jared. She designs apparel and premium items at and is the author of "Raising little magicians", and the popular "The Lance in freelancing". More information can be found at

Medical Transcription


Medical Transcription:Small Business Marketing Series-Choosing a Niche Market

Small Business Marketing Series – Choosing a Niche Market

Many smaller businesses choose niche markets for various reasons and these niche markets can be very lucrative. This article will look at ways to identify and assess whether they are right for your business?

For many smaller businesses it is important to have a focused strategy which enables them to operate in a small part of a chosen market with great success. This has a further advantage of giving the smaller business a way to compete with larger organizations and achieve a level of protection against competition.

How is it Relevant to You as Owner?
As the owner of the business, you decide on the business strategy and make informed choices as to where the business will be going. Being clear on possible niche markets or a niche focus of your business can be crucial to the ultimate success and sustainable growth of your business.

The advantage of operating in a niche is that you can specialize in a small market and hence become a leading supplier of that specific product or service.

Niche marketing can be extremely cost-effective. For instance, imagine you offer a product or service that's just right for a select demographic or population group in your area, such as South Africans or students. You could advertise in newspapers or websites that focus on them, which have considerably lower rates than stations that program for broader audiences. So your marketing budget would go a lot further, allowing you to advertise with greater frequency or to use a more comprehensive media mix. Taking on a new niche can be a low-risk way to grow your business, as long as you keep in mind several important rules:
Here are a 4 steps to consider when choosing a niche market.

Step 1 - Being Clear

The first step in almost any process is being clear on what you are doing. Processes like this can take time and money to complete and as a small business owner both time and money are valuable resources that should not be wasted.

Ask yourself: What do I want from this process, how exactly am I going to accomplish it, what resources do I need before I start, who will manage the process, how will I know when its done?

The steps to be followed in the first phase could be as follows. It may vary from one project to another.

Convene a meeting with the stakeholders of the project and identify the exact aim and required outcome of the project.

Assign a project manager to assist in the development for the project.

Identify potential team members required to support the proposed solution.

Convene a proposal review meeting with potential team members to identify: proposed creative approach; scope of work, potential number of effort days; resource requirements; technical requirements; and other issues to be addressed in the proposal.

Produce a work breakdown diagram, proposed budget and resource requirements list considering steps 2, 3 and 4 bellow.

This phase is extremely important. A good carpenter always measures twice and cut once. This step is about specifying what the measures will be.

Step 2 - Doing Your Research

Analyse other businesses operating in your market and the products or services they offer. Do their products or services attract a wide range of customers or just a few targeted ones?

Use this analysis to decide what degree of specialization your product or service calls for. Will operating in a niche mean alterations to your product or service? Can you offer flexible service solutions?

Identify areas where customers’ needs aren’t already being met and look for competitive edge by adding features or offering a value-added service that isn’t currently available.

Conduct research to see if there is a group of customers that your competitors are failing to reach and consider how your product or service could be updated or adapted to attract them.

Explore how your customers buy from your competitors. Can your product or service be sold in a different way – over the Internet or through a mail order catalogue? Once you’ve completed this analysis use the information to identify customers that have things in common and things that make them different from others buying in that market. Then create a profile of these customers and use this as the basis of market research to ensure the niche is viable.

Step 3 - Appeal to Your Customers

Now that you have a good idea of what your target group want, it is up to you to make sure that you appeal them. Meet their unique needs. The benefits you promise must have special appeal to your market niche. What can you provide that's new and compelling? Look for ways to tailor your product or service to meet the unique needs of your prospective clients.

Say the right thing.
When approaching a new market niche, it's imperative to speak their language. In other words, you should understand the market's "hot buttons" and be prepared to communicate with the target group as an understanding member--not an outsider. In addition to launching a unique campaign for the new niche, you may need to alter other, more basic elements, such as your company slogan if it translates poorly to another language, for example.

In instances where taking on a new niche market is not impacted by a change in language or customs, it's still vital to understand the key issues and how they prefer to communicate with companies like yours.

Step 4 - Test and Review

Step four is to test and review. Always test-market. Before moving ahead, assess the direct competitors you'll find in the new market niche and determine how you will position against them. For an overview, it's best to conduct a competitive analysis by reviewing competitors' ads, brochures and Web sites, looking for their key selling points, along with pricing, delivery and other service characteristics. But what if there is no existing competition? Believe it or not, this isn't always a good sign. True, it may mean that other companies haven't found the key to providing a product or service this niche will want to buy. However, it's also possible that many companies have tried and failed to penetrate this group. Always test-market carefully to gauge the market's receptiveness to your product or service and message. And move cautiously to keep your risks manageable.

By now you should have a pretty good indication of which niche market you are going to focus on and whether this is the right market for you. Remember what you have learned from your clients, be responsive to them and trust your research.

Ben Botes is an author, entrepreneur and expert speaker on new venture creation. He is also the founder of a web portal for 1st time business owners and entrepreneurs. Visit today for the most extensive range of small business resources, courses, articles and tools, designed to unleash your entrepreneurial spirit.

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:Design does matter

Design does matter

The idea that good design can improve how people perceive your business has long been a part of a designer’s sales tools.

They try to convince you that by improving your image, maybe creating a new logo or changing the way you communicate with your customers you can somehow improve sales and improve your bottom line. But are they right?
Over the years many companies have been sceptical about these claims because of a lack of concrete evidence. Designers struggle to back up their claims with written evidence and so this argument for good design often falls down at the first hurdle.

Companies fail to understand why they should invest time and money in improving their visual identity if there is no tangible result.
However, last year The Design Council released the results of a groundbreaking study on the link between the use of design and financial performance. The study published in March 2004 finally recognised the direct relationship between effective use of design and financial performance.

The study looked at 166 design-led UK quoted companies over a period of ten years from 1994 to 2003. A group of 63 companies were recognised as effective users of design. This was based on the fact that they consistently appeared in the listings at various design award schemes.

The study reveals these 63 companies outperformed both the FTSE All Share and FTSE 100 indices by around 200% between 1994 and 2003.
The Design Council is a professional body which supports the work of the UK design industry. It works to demonstrate and promote the vital role of design within business and the wider UK economy.

A recent study by the Design Council, Design in Britain 2004-05, based on an annual business survey of 1,500 companies of all sizes and sectors, shows companies using design to innovate and stand out are growing faster than their competitors are.

According to the in-depth research, a third of the UK's fastest growing companies see design as integral to their business, while only 11 per cent of businesses with a decreasing turnover have this view.

The figures confirm the impact of design across sales, profits, quality, share price, market share and competitiveness.

Using design throughout your business ultimately boosts the bottom line by helping you create better products and services that compete on value rather than price.

If you want to find out how you can improve your financial performance through design then contact
Truly Ace offers creative unique and cost effective logo design, commercial illustration, graphic design, and web design services. Copyright Truly Ace - Logo Design, Graphic Design & Commercial Illustration

Medical Transcription


Medical Transcription:Home Based Business Plan Guide

Home Based Business Plan Guide

Every home based business needs a plan to be successful. It isn’t enough to have a great idea for a home based business and just hang out your shingle. Which is a something that many home based business owners learn too late. So even if you aren’t going to be borrowing money for your start up home based business, you still want to take some time to create a thoughtful, realistic business plan.

The first step in creating a home based business plan is to clearly define your goals. It isn’t just a matter of saying you want to make a certain amount of money in, say, five years or to leave your competition in the dust. These are certainly lofty goals, but they are vague. You want to define what your home based business really is at the beginning and where you want it to be. It’s a good to break this into segments. Where do you want your home based business to be in six months? A year? Eighteen months? Two years? A home based business plan that outlines your objectives this way gives you a road map to refer to and will ensure you’re on the right track and that you stay there.

Second, you have to know the market potential for your home based business. After all, there has to be a demand for the product and/or service you are offering or you have no business. If your home based business is going to provide business cleaning services, for example, you’ll want to be sure that there are companies and offices in your immediate area that need your service. You will also want to look at surrounding areas for opportunities to grow your home based business in the future. The amount and type of competition for your service needs to be taken into consideration too. If your area is already saturated with business cleaning services, you may need to consider a different service altogether. Without some planning and research, however, you won’t know this in advance, and your home based business won’t be as likely to succeed as it could be.

Next, you want to consider all the costs your home based business will incur. A lot of times when people work at home at their own home business, they fail to consider the small expenses. Printer ink, paper, postage, long distance phone calls and cell phone bills are easily missed when considering the cost of operating a home based business. And these seemingly small amounts add up in a short amount of time for most business owners. So realistically look at all the costs involved with owning and operating your home business. This way you’ll know how much you have to bring in to meet expenses and hopefully, to make a profit.

Now you want to think about how you will market your home based business. Again, you can have the best product and/or service going, but it won’t do you any good if you don’t market it. You need a marketing strategy for your home based business, and you need to plan for the costs involved in making it a reality. You may only be thinking about flyers, circulars and posters to begin with, but they do cost money to produce. And you need to think about other ways as well. Radio, billboards, direct mail, email, Web advertising are all great ways to promote and market your product and/or service. It’s wise to do some research into what type of marketing tools work best for your type of home based business and use a combination of offline and online advertising. You may want to start with more inexpensive marketing methods and work up as you go. To do this, you’ll need to, yes, plan for that. Plan for how much you can spend at the beginning and how much you want to add to your home based business marketing as it grows—which, with the proper planning, it will certainly do.

Charles Fuchs

Copyright © 2006, Charles Fuchs, President of Vision Management Enterprise Inc., is an established online marketer who specializes in helping people start their very own Work at Home Based Business.

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Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:Before the Business Plan

Before the Business Plan Purveyors of conventional wisdom would have you believe that the very first thing you ought to do when setting up a new business is to create a business plan. Start a secretarial business more...

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:Unusual Home Businesses

Unusual Home Businesses All Unusual Home Businesses have one great thing in common in that they're, well, unusual. This often means both that tons of other people haven't gotten in on them yet and that you can find them in a ... Start a secretarial business more...

Medical Transcription


Medical Transcription:Secretarial Business Professonal Transcription

Professional Transcription and Your Business
by Kate Smalley

Got stacks of audio tapes that need to be converted to a more user-friendly format? Professional transcription services may be the answer.

Professional transcriptionists can take standard or micro cassette tapes and produce a typed version of the text in a format that's clear, consistent and correct. They can create transcripts of taped meetings, training sessions, seminars and conventions, as well as dictated letters, reports and manuscripts.

Once the information is transcribed, you can easily email, fax or post it to a Website. Accuracy Is Essential Transcribing actually covers a variety of services. It can include whatever editing is necessary to make a report or letter 'flow'. It can also include the tweaking sentence syntax, adjusting paragraphs, removing redundancies, and repairing general grammatical errors.

For some professions, a high degree of accuracy in transcripts is crucial. For example, medical transcriptionists must carefully listen to dictated recordings made by physicians and other healthcare professionals and accurately transcribe them into reports, correspondence and other administrative materials that eventually become part of patients' permanent files.

Their ability to understand and correctly transcribe patient assessments and treatments reduces the chance of patients receiving ineffective or even harmful treatments and ultimately ensures high quality patient care. Accuracy in transcripts is equally as important in other fields.

In legal matters, it's essential because all testimony must be rendered exactly as it's spoken. Likewise, police detectives require precise transcripts of statements by suspects and witnesses. In the corporate arena, letters, meetings and training sessions must be properly transcribed for the sake of effective education and communication.

Requirements For A Good Transcriptionist Whether you need medical, legal or general transcribing for your business, accurate transcribing requires a unique set of skills. But if your staff lacks the expertise or time to transcribe materials in house, an outside company can easily fill the void.

- Working with an outside vendor offers a variety of cost-saving benefits, including:

- No cost of special equipment.

- No hourly employee downtime.

- You pay only for production.

- No Social Security, payroll or unemployment taxes.- No medical insurance benefits, paid vacations and sick leave But before you run out and hire the first transcription company available, make sure it has the skills to meet your needs. The outsourcer you choose should be:

- Well-versed in the English language

- Knowledgeable of the rules of grammar

- Familiar with your industry- Easily accessible for questions

Copyright 2004, Kate Smalley, Connecticut Secretary.Freelance Secretarial and Transcription Services , For more information about professional transcription services, contact Kate Smalley, Connecticut Secretary, at 203-641-3739 or .

Medical Transcription:Home Medical Transcriptioin: A Decent Living or a Scam?

Home Medical Transcriptioin: A Decent Living or a Scam?
by: Stephen Bucaro

No doubt you have seen many ads by medical transcription schools claiming that you can make big money typing medical transcription at home.

Can you really make a good living doing medical transcription at home, or is it just another scam? In this article, you'll learn the honest facts about home medical transcription.

Can you really make a decent living doing home medical transcription? Yes and no.

Yes - Many people are earning $50,000 to $80,000 or more per year typing medical transcription at home. They work where they want, when they want, and as much as they want. The amount of medical transcription work that needs to be done FAR exceeds the available transcribers to do the work. When I say the demand exceeds the supply, I mean the situation is desperate.

No - Reading a few booklets and listening to a few tapes will not make you into an instant $50,000 per year medical transcriptionist. If you're not ready to commit to between six months and a year of hard study and practice, find another means of earning a living.

Typing medical transcription is not like typing a letter to your mother. It's far more challenging. Below are some of the challenges you must be prepared to meet.

1. You must have a good understanding of medical terminology.

You need to know how to spell the names of the latest medical conditions, drugs, medical tests, treatments, and procedures, and just knowing how to spell them is not enough.

Because of challenge #2 decribed below, you need to have some familiarity with medical conditions and what tests, drugs, and treatments are related to that condition. It's difficult to learn this with a mail order medical transcription course. This type of knowledge comes from experience. - You don't need to be familiar with ALL medical terminology.

Many transcriptionists specialize in specific areas such as gastroenterology or opthalmology. However, when you want to go on vacation, you'll need someone else to take over your work while you're gone. In reciprocation, you'll need to cover for someone else when they go on vacation, and they may be transcribing to a different field than you're familiar with.

2. You need to be able to extract the transcription from a noisy electronic recording.

Unfortunately, many doctors mumble, garble, don't enunciate, don't speak up, or talk too fast when they dictate. Combine the above problems with a thick, foreign accent and you can have real dificulty understanding what the doctor is saying. In many instances, the only way you will be able to decipher what the doctor is saying is if you are familiar with medical conditions and what tests, drugs, and treatments are related to that condition. - Doctors dictate "on the fly". They don't have time to think about proper sentence construction as the words emanate from their mouth.

Frequently the sentence they started doesn't make any sense or has an error by the time they get to the end. Do you edit what the doctor said, or just type the jiberish as dictated? Usually a doctor appreciates when you clean up their dictation. On the other hand, medical documents are often presented as evidence in legal actions. You're taking on liability if you change what the doctor actually said.

- Many transcriptionists have their own group of doctors that they type for and eventually become familiar with the idiosyncracies of each doctor. This makes understanding what they are saying much easier; however, when a you go on vacation, someone else will need to cover the doctors while you're gone. In reciprocation, you'll need to cover for someone else when they go on vacation. You won't be familiar with how the doctors dictate.

3. To make the earnings cited above, you need to be able to sit and type for long hours. You need to isolate yourself from the noise and distraction of other human beings (and some pets) and pound on that keyboard hour after hour. As I stated earlier, the amount of medical transcription work available far exceeds the available transcribers to do the work. Some transcriptionists let greed take control of them and sit at the computer for 16 hours seven days per week. They get accustom to a $100,000 a year lifestyle. But what does it do for their health? -

Medical transcription companies charge more for "fast turn around". Some pass part of this money onto the transcriptionist, others just demand the work get done immediately. In either case, fast turn around work prevents you from controlling your own working hours. Now that I've discouraged you, the fact is that many medical transcriptionists do work where they want, when they want, as much as they want, and earn a respectable living. If you're up to the challenge, how do you became a medial transcriptionist?


You'll need to be proficient in the use of a computer. You'll need to be a fast typist. If you can't type as fast as the doctor dictates, you'll be working hard with the foot pedal to move back and forth in the recording. You must be comfortable using a Word Processing application such as Microsoft Word or Workperfect. You'll need to know how to format documents and how to use macros. If you don't use macros you'll be typing the same phrases over and over.

If you decide to sign up for a medical transcription course, make sure the course provides plenty of authentic dictations. You cannot become a medical transcriptionist by just reading medical terminology. You need to hear it spoken. Just listening to terms being pronounced is of limited use. You need to hear the terms used in a sentence. Simulated medical dictations are fine, but you need some practice with actual medical dictations.

- Find a course that teaches basic anatomy and physiology along with terminology.

The best way to learn The best way to learn is with on-the-job training. If you have a doctor friend or family member who does dictations, ask them if you can transcribe a low-priority dictaion for practice. If you're working at a clinic or hospital as a secretary or receptionist, investigate how the transcription gets done and volunteer to help.

Start out with a specific type of transcription such as letters or office notes in specficic specialities. As you get more experience, your speed will improve and you can branch out into other types of transcriptions for other specialties.

The amount of medical transcription work that needs to be done far exceeds the available transcribers to do the work.

Yes, you can make a decent living doing home medical transcription. You can work where you want, when you want, and as much as you want. But, medical transcription is an occupation only for those who are prepared to meet the challenge.

Copyright(C) 2005 Bucaro TecHelp. Stephen Bucaro. To learn how to maintain your computer and use it more effectively to design a Web site and make money on the Web visit To subscribe to Bucaro TecHelp Newsletter visit

Medical Transcription:Education for the Medical Assistant

Education for the Medical Assistant
Medical Assistant: Distance Education for the Medical Assistant by: Dr. Mark Stout Medical Assistant distance education is emerging to meet the demands of a new generation of students in the twenty first century. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School distance education program for medical assistant presents a good model for this integration of technology with medical assistant education. Distance education, particularly in its most recent form, online education, is being integrated into even the most cautious and conservative of educational institutions. Yet the impact of these alternative forms of teaching and learning on students, faculty, and institutions has yet to be broadly or deeply studied. New models such as that at St. Augustine Medical Assistant School are immerging. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School is available at: Distance education is not new, and can be traced as far back as the first century. The Apostle Paul wrote to the early Christian churches, instructing them from a distance (even when he was under 'house arrest' in Rome). This was probably the first type of 'correspondence course', which was the only method of learning at a distance until the advent of the telephone. Today, distance education and in particular online medical assistant instruction calls upon an impressive range of technologies to enable medical assistant instructor and the medical assistant student who are separated by distance to communicate with each other either in real time (synchronous) or delayed time (asynchronous). Currently and asynchronous model used at St. Augustine Medical Assistant School to instruct medical assistant students. This has proven to be a very effective model however the medical assistant program is currently investigating the benefits of synchronous online medical assistant instruction and the benefits it may have for the medical assistant student. Medical Assistant distance learning epitomizes the move away from institute based learning to a more direct, student centered approach. As a concept, distance learning has existed for over a century, notably in the form of paper based correspondence courses including the less formal correspondence education for medical assistants. Now however, distance education is depending increasingly upon technology for its success and technological innovations ensure that distance learning for the medical assistant continues to evolve and grow as a valid and potent force in all forms of education for the medical assistant. The task of the medical assistant distance educator is therefore to obviate these problems as much as possible by mixing and matching techniques, creating and maintaining a stimulating environment, and offering opportunities for medical assistant students to communicate with each other and with the medical assistant teaching staff on a regular basis. The medical assistant educators will also need to change their traditional role as well. Many remote medical assistant students need a great deal of social support, and medical assistant distance educators may find themselves spending more time offering one-to-one tutorials and less time lecturing. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School at or is leading today�'s technology in medical assistant education. When designing medical assistant educational systems and materials for medical assistant distance in delivery the medical assistant teacher must consider not only learning outcomes, but also centered requirements and technical constraints for the medical assistant. Also to be considered are the needs, characteristics, and individual differences of both the students, the teachers and future medical assistants. Medical assistant distance education for the medical assistant then, should not be viewed as a means of reducing costs, but as an opportunity to raise standards. It is also about providing quality medical assistant learning opportunities for those who, for one reason or another, have previously been excluded from this basic human right. Medical Assistant distance education will quickly become the norm and not the exception for the twenty first century medical assistant. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School distance education program for medical assistant presents a good model for this integration of technology with medical assistant education. The St. Augustine Medical Assistant model can be reviewed at: and By Dr. Mark Stout Dean of Education St. Augustine Medical Assistant School Distance Education and Informatics Specialist Dr. Mark Stout Medical Assistant distance education is emerging to meet the demands of a new generation of students in the twenty first century. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School distance education program (visit: for medical assistant presents a good model for this integration of technology with medical assistant education. Distance education, particularly in its most recent form, online education, is being integrated into even the most cautious and conservative of educational institutions. Yet the impact of these alternative forms of teaching and learning on students, faculty, and institutions has yet to be broadly or deeply studied. New models such as that at St. Augustine Medical Assistant School are immerging. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School is available at:

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Medical Transcription


Medical Transcription:Marketing mistakes

Two Biggest Marketing Boo-Boos There are two things that will sink your marketing and advertising almost every time. More often than not, when someone says "my ads didn't work," one of these two boo-boos are to blame.

Marketing that isn't targeted to a specific kind of customer doesn't work (unless you have LOTS of budget).

Big companies can blanket radio, TV, and magazines with million dollar ad budgets. They know they will catch their best customers somewhere in the crowd.

The rest of us have to first find our best customers, figure out what media they use, and tightly target our advertising to reach those best customers. The second major marketing boo-boo is so simple you may not believe it. Most marketing fails because people didn't understand it.

The message was too clever, too technical, intended for a different audience, too long, or in an e-zine they couldn't figure out how to read.

Once when I was working in radio, I jumped on the air and announced the first caller would get tickets to see the Rolling Stones. My tongue got tied and I mumbled my way through the announcement. No one called, not a single person. A few minutes later I read the announcement again, this time speaking clearly. The phone rang off the wall.

Kevin Nunley provides marketing and copy writing. Read all his free tips at Reach Kevin at or 603-249-9519.

Medical Transcription:Piggyback for cheap ads

Piggyback for cheap ads.

One way to get very low-cost advertising is to piggyback your ads onto someone else's. This is a longtime practice in broadcasting, but can be used with any media.

Here is an example: You want to advertise your web site on radio, but don't have the hundreds or thousands it would take to buy your own spots. There is a computer store in your town that advertises on radio all the time. You offer to cover a small share of their ad costs or trade a service for a mini 10 second ad included at the end of their radio commercial. Check with customers and suppliers who do lots of advertising.

I know a furniture chain that always includes a 5 second mention for the local cable TV company in their commercials. With the huge percentage of small businesses that want to be online but don't know how, you might offer to build them a web site they can promote in their commercials. Of course, the site will include a banner linking visitors to your site.

TV ads can include a graphic for your business or run a crawl (words across the screen). Larger newspaper ads might include a graphic and a few lines of copy for your business.

Kevin Nunley provides marketing and copy writing. Read all his free tips at Reach Kevin at or 603-249-9519.

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Medical Transcription:Know your customers

Know your customers

The better you can describe your best customers, the more products and services you can sell. What newspapers, magazines, and e-zines do they read?

What topics interest them most?

What groups or associations do they belong to? You can devise a questionnaire to send to your best customers and prospects. Entice them with a free offer or a big discount.

Many actors start developing their character by writing down a long list of words that describe the character. This helps the actor think deeply about the part they are going to play.

This strategy works well to help you figure out what kind of people buy often. You likely know far more about your prospects and customers than you realize. This method helps you get a clearer understanding of what you probably already know.

Kevin Nunley provides marketing and copy writing. Read all his free tips at Reach Kevin at or 603-249-9519.

Medical Transcription:Don't give up

Don't give up

There is a time to stay the course, keep your chin up, and keep plugging.

There are also times when you have to face the realization that a business idea just isn't gong to work. You have to give up. Unfortunately, there is plenty of evidence that we often give up too soon. It takes time, sometimes lots of time, before a business idea can take root and start to turn real sales.

Big businesses often figure they won't make a profit for the first few years. Although most small businesses don't have that luxury, success may still take many months to come.

The other day I was searching for info on a 33.6 modem. Several search engines listed one site high. The site was a simple, home-made page on a free GeoCities space. It hadn't been updated in two years. At the top was a note from the owner, "I have enjoyed doing this site but I'm not getting anywhere with this and will have to give it up." It was dated June of 1997. Sometime after the owner gave up, the business started to cook.

At the bottom of the page the counter listed over three million visitors! This long forgotten project has been pulling hits like crazy. Could you make money off three million visitors? The owner had given up too soon.

Kevin Nunley provides marketing and copy writing. Read all his free tips at Reach Kevin at or 603-249-9519.


Medical Transcription:Cheap flyers

Cheap flyers
Super Cheap Flyers Paper flyers are one of the oldest and most effective forms of marketing. Their low-tech quality packs a lot of advertising punch for just pennies per flyer. When Samuel Adams alerted Patriots to the Boston Tea Party, he did it with flyers.

Your flyers may not get into history books, but they certainly can boost sales.

  • Put a big black headline at the top of your flyer that screams your most important benefit. ENJOY CLEAN WINDOWS! $5.00!
  • Include a graphic that shows someone using your product or service. Black and white drawings work well.
  • Have photos half-toned (broken up into little dots like newspaper photos) to photocopy better.
    Use a light colored paper. Darker colors sometimes make your text hard to read.
  • Type your text in larger 14 point type that is easy to read fast.
  • Be sure to check local laws before posting flyers.
  • Many neighborhoods welcome flyers stapled to rubber bands and placed around front door knobs.

Kevin Nunley provides marketing and copy writing. Read all his free tips at Reach Kevin at or 603-249-9519.

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Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:"Will My Press Release Work?"

Now, THIS is a frustrating answer. Will your press release work?

Honest reply: No one knows. The job of a press release is to suggest a story idea to an editor, reporter, writer, or broadcaster. It's a bit like fishing. Whether or not the editor takes your bait depends a lot of what kind of day they're having. In the end, it is entirely up to the editor as to whether they use your story.

  • Slow news days are good times to get an editor's attention.
  • You will do better if the editor receives your story before 3pm.
  • Late afternoon is deadline "crunch" time for newspapers, past the prime news times of radio, and getting into last minute preparation time for TV news.
  • Linking your story idea to a popular story in the news can also get an editor's attention. Media folks figure the audience can only stay interested in a few topics at a time.
  • Finally, it's a good idea to make your release sound newsy in the beginning, saving the blatant commercial stuff for the end of the release.

Kevin Nunley provides marketing and copy writing. Read all his free tips at Reach Kevin at or 603-249-9519.

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription: The Lesson Is to Network

"The Lesson Is to Network"

Author and marketing guru Nancy Michaels explains how entrepreneurs can reach and impressive greater numbers of potential clients

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Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:What Customers Really Want

What Customers Really Want
Years of research and millions of dollars spent studying customers for every size business keeps coming back with the same answer: Customers want to be treated differently.  If this is so easy to understand, why is it so hard to...

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Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:5 Tips For Creating Your Unique Selling Proposition

5 Tips For Creating Your Unique Selling Proposition
Creating a USP can be a daunting task for many. Keep it simple and start writing down ideas... and you will be far ahead of your competitors who are still scared of starting. The more you write - the more...

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Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:Reliably Satisfied Customers

Reliably Satisfied Customers
Do you have BusinessWeek Online Small Biz delivered to your desktop and even consider it one of the nine newsletters that you really must read-not delete or put in a folder for later reading? Why nine?...

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Medical Transcription


Medical Transcription - customer service 8 rules

8 rules for good customer service.
You can bring in as many new customers as you want, but unless you can get some of those customers to come back, your business won't be profitable for long. These 8 simple rules will ensure that your business becomes known for its good customer service and allow you to reap the benefits that good customer service provides

Medical Transcription - Outstanding customer service

Four Ways To Outshine Your Competitors' Customer Service
There’s no real secret to getting your customers to come back. All you need to do is provide customer service that exceeds your customers' expectations and outshines your competitors' customer service.


Medical Transcription:Top Digital Voice Recorder Transcribers

A digital voice recorder that lets you dictate directly to your PC is a wise investment if you do a lot of transcription. Here are my top picks for digital voice recorder transcribers.

Medical Transcription:How to Get and Register a Domain Name

The first step to starting an online business is registering a domain name. This primer on domain names explains how to register a domain name and gives tips for picking the right domain name for an online business">;

How to Build a Website that Works - Including search engine submission tips.<a href=

Medical Transcription:5 Resources You Need To Succeed

Are you a "Type D" person? Do you have sufficient start-up capital? These are only two of the five resources you must have if you want to start a successful small business. Find out more...


Protecting Your Computer from Adware and Spyware

Protecting Your Computer from Adware and Spyware

Recently, while checking our company web site statistics, we noticed a number of referrals from gambling and pornography sites. Since we are certain these types of sites would not house links to us, we investigated further and determined that some of our faithful visitors may be the victims of adware or spyware.

What is adware?

Adware, in it's most sinister incarnation, is a program that runs on your computer (like a virus) and occassionally pops up ads or redirects your browser to websites you had not chosen to visit.

What is spyware?

Spyware is software that collects personal information from you without your knowledge or permission. The information spyware collects can range from all the web sites you visit to sensitive information including user names and passwords.

How can I make sure I don't get these on my computer?

Never download programs or files from a website you don't know and trust.
Never open email attachments unless you know what they are. If you receive an email from a friend, but the text is strange and you don't know what the attachment is do not open it. Write to your friend and make sure they sent the email.
Keep an antivirus program running on your computer at all times.
You may also want to download Microsoft's Spyware program which can be found free here:
More comprehensive articles on adware and spyware may be found here:

An authority on integrated web databases, Amanda Huber is co-owner of Vulcan Creative Labs, LLC ( and, an online genealogy photo archive. She occasionally contributes articles for Dead Fred's e-newsletter Relatively Speaking which help genealogy researchers with more technical aspects of their online tasks.

Small Business Marketing Series-Choosing a Niche Market

Small Business Marketing Series - Choosing a Niche Market
Many smaller businesses choose niche markets for various reasons and these niche markets can be very lucrative. This article will look at ways to identify and assess whether they are right for your business ...

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Medical Transcription

Home Based Business Plan Guide

Home Based Business Plan Guide

Every home based business needs a plan to be successful. It isn’t enough to have a great idea for a home based business and just hang out your shingle. Which is a something that many home based business owners learn too late. So even if you aren’t going to be borrowing money for your start up home based business, you still want to take some time to create a thoughtful, realistic business plan.

The first step in creating a home based business plan is to clearly define your goals. It isn’t just a matter of saying you want to make a certain amount of money in, say, five years or to leave your competition in the dust. These are certainly lofty goals, but they are vague. You want to define what your home based business really is at the beginning and where you want it to be. It’s a good to break this into segments. Where do you want your home based business to be in six months? A year? Eighteen months? Two years? A home based business plan that outlines your objectives this way gives you a road map to refer to and will ensure you’re on the right track and that you stay there.

Second, you have to know the market potential for your home based business. After all, there has to be a demand for the product and/or service you are offering or you have no business. If your home based business is going to provide business cleaning services, for example, you’ll want to be sure that there are companies and offices in your immediate area that need your service. You will also want to look at surrounding areas for opportunities to grow your home based business in the future. The amount and type of competition for your service needs to be taken into consideration too. If your area is already saturated with business cleaning services, you may need to consider a different service altogether. Without some planning and research, however, you won’t know this in advance, and your home based business won’t be as likely to succeed as it could be.

Next, you want to consider all the costs your home based business will incur. A lot of times when people work at home at their own home business, they fail to consider the small expenses. Printer ink, paper, postage, long distance phone calls and cell phone bills are easily missed when considering the cost of operating a home based business. And these seemingly small amounts add up in a short amount of time for most business owners. So realistically look at all the costs involved with owning and operating your home business. This way you’ll know how much you have to bring in to meet expenses and hopefully, to make a profit.

Now you want to think about how you will market your home based business. Again, you can have the best product and/or service going, but it won’t do you any good if you don’t market it. You need a marketing strategy for your home based business, and you need to plan for the costs involved in making it a reality. You may only be thinking about flyers, circulars and posters to begin with, but they do cost money to produce. And you need to think about other ways as well. Radio, billboards, direct mail, email, Web advertising are all great ways to promote and market your product and/or service. It’s wise to do some research into what type of marketing tools work best for your type of home based business and use a combination of offline and online advertising. You may want to start with more inexpensive marketing methods and work up as you go. To do this, you’ll need to, yes, plan for that. Plan for how much you can spend at the beginning and how much you want to add to your home based business marketing as it grows—which, with the proper planning, it will certainly do.

Copyright © 2006, Charles Fuchs, President of Vision Management Enterprise Inc., is an established online marketer who specializes in helping people start their very own Work at Home Based Business.
Charles Fuchs

Medical Transcription - Professional Transcription

Medical Transcription - Professional Transcription Professional Transcription and Your Business
by Kate Smalley

Got stacks of audio tapes that need to be converted to a more user-friendly format? Professional transcription services may be the answer. Professional transcriptionists can take standard or mini cassettes .... Start a secretarial business more...

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription - Why hire a transcriptionist?

Medical Transcription - Why hire a transcriptionist? Why Hire a Professional Transcriptionist to Convert Your Dictation or Audio Recordings to Typed Text? Start a secretarial business more...

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription - Medical transcription resource

Medical Transcription - Medical transcription resource This medical transcription resource will answer a lot of the questions you might have about medical transcription. Start a secretarial business more...

Medical Transcription

MT Daily - medical transcription, work at home.

MT Daily - medical transcription, work at home. MT Daily - medical transcription, work at home. What is medical transcription, how is it done, and what does it pay? Start a secretarial business more...

Medical Transcription

Choosing a medical transcription program 6

Choosing a medical transcription program 6
What Constitutes a Good MT Program? pt6Author: Dawn MorenoHow To Choose A Good Medical Transcription Training ProgramAdditionally, our course offers more transcription practice than any other program that we know of. Through our program you will transcrib

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Medical Transcription

Choosing a good Medical Transcription program 5

Choosing a good Medical Transcription program 5
How To Choose A Good Medical Transcription Training ProgramHow Does Our Program Measure Up?Now the goal of this article is not to discuss why some other courses do not live up to the COMPRO guidelines but to present evidence why our course does. What does

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Medical Transcription

What's a good Medical Transciption program 4

What's a good Medical Transciption program 4
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Medical Transcription


Choosing a good Medical Transcription program 3

Choosing a good Medical Transcription program 3
How To Choose A Good Medical Transcription Training ProgramWhat are the Results of Poor School Choice? It is a fact that even if graduates of subpar programs are able to pass an employment test and get hired they have a very hard time on the job. This is b

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Medical Transcription

Choosing a good Medical Transcription program 2

Choosing a good Medical Transcription program 2 What Constitutes a Good MT Program? pt2Author: Dawn MorenoHow To Choose A Good Medical Transcription Training ProgramWhy Not a Less Expensive, Faster Program?When you take the time to research the skills that a quality MT needs, it will become evident th Start a secretarial business more...

Medical Transcription

How to choose a medical transcription program 1

How to choose a medical transcription program 1 What Constitutes a Good MT Program? pt1Author: Dawn Moreno How To Choose A Good Medical Transcription Training ProgramMany ideas abound about what constitutes a good MT program. Some people feel that the schools that advertise on TV showing a mother working ... Start a secretarial business more...

Medical Transcription

Secretarial Business - The truth about medical transcription

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Medical Transcription

Secretarial Business Professonal Transcription

Professional Transcription and Your Businessby Kate Smalley Got stacks of audio tapes that need to be converted to a more user-friendly format? Professional transcription services may be the answer. Professional transcriptionists can take standard or micro cassette tapes and produce a typed version of the text in a format that's clear, consistent and correct. They can create transcripts of taped meetings, training sessions, seminars and conventions, as well as dictated letters, reports and manuscripts. Once the information is transcribed, you can easily email, fax or post it to a Website. Accuracy Is Essential Transcribing actually covers a variety of services. It can include whatever editing is necessary to make a report or letter 'flow'. It can also include the tweaking sentence syntax, adjusting paragraphs, removing redundancies, and repairing general grammatical errors. For some professions, a high degree of accuracy in transcripts is crucial. For example, medical transcriptionists must carefully listen to dictated recordings made by physicians and other healthcare professionals and accurately transcribe them into reports, correspondence and other administrative materials that eventually become part of patients' permanent files. Their ability to understand and correctly transcribe patient assessments and treatments reduces the chance of patients receiving ineffective or even harmful treatments and ultimately ensures high quality patient care. Accuracy in transcripts is equally as important in other fields. In legal matters, it's essential because all testimony must be rendered exactly as it's spoken. Likewise, police detectives require precise transcripts of statements by suspects and witnesses. In the corporate arena, letters, meetings and training sessions must be properly transcribed for the sake of effective education and communication. Requirements For A Good Transcriptionist Whether you need medical, legal or general transcribing for your business, accurate transcribing requires a unique set of skills. But if your staff lacks the expertise or time to transcribe materials in house, an outside company can easily fill the void. - Working with an outside vendor offers a variety of cost-saving benefits, including:- No cost of special equipment.- No hourly employee downtime.- You pay only for production.- No Social Security, payroll or unemployment taxes.- No medical insurance benefits, paid vacations and sick leave But before you run out and hire the first transcription company available, make sure it has the skills to meet your needs. The outsourcer you choose should be:- Well-versed in the English language- Knowledgeable of the rules of grammar- Familiar with your industry- Easily accessible for questions Copyright 2004, Kate Smalley, Connecticut Secretary.Freelance Secretarial and Transcription Services , For more information about professional transcription services, contact Kate Smalley, Connecticut Secretary, at 203-641-3739 or . more...

Medical Transcription

Professional Transcription and Your Business

Professional Transcription and Your Business by: Kate Smalley Got stacks of audio tapes that need to be converted to a more user-friendly format? Professional transcription services may be the answer. Professional transcriptionists can take standard or micro cassette tapes and produce a typed version of the text in a format that's clear, consistent and correct. They can create transcripts of taped meetings, training sessions, seminars and conventions, as well as dictated letters, reports and manuscripts. Once the information is transcribed, you can easily email, fax or post it to a Website. Accuracy Is Essential Transcribing actually covers a variety of services. It can include whatever editing is necessary to make a report or letter 'flow'. It can also include the tweaking sentence syntax, adjusting paragraphs, removing redundancies, and repairing general grammatical errors. For some professions, a high degree of accuracy in transcripts is crucial. For example, medical transcriptionists must carefully listen to dictated recordings made by physicians and other healthcare professionals and accurately transcribe them into reports, correspondence and other administrative materials that eventually become part of patients' permanent files. Their ability to understand and correctly transcribe patient assessments and treatments reduces the chance of patients receiving ineffective or even harmful treatments and ultimately ensures high quality patient care. Accuracy in transcripts is equally as important in other fields. In legal matters, it's essential because all testimony must be rendered exactly as it's spoken. Likewise, police detectives require precise transcripts of statements by suspects and witnesses. In the corporate arena, letters, meetings and training sessions must be properly transcribed for the sake of effective education and communication. Requirements For A Good Transcriptionist Whether you need medical, legal or general transcribing for your business, accurate transcribing requires a unique set of skills. But if your staff lacks the expertise or time to transcribe materials in house, an outside company can easily fill the void. Working with an outside vendor offers a variety of cost-saving benefits, including: No cost of special equipment. No hourly employee downtime. You pay only for production. No Social Security, payroll or unemployment taxes. No medical insurance benefits, paid vacations and sick leave But before you run out and hire the first transcription company available, make sure it has the skills to meet your needs. The outsourcer you choose should be: Well-versed in the English language Knowledgeable of the rules of grammar Familiar with your industry Easily accessible for questions For more information about professional transcription services, contact Kate Smalley, Connecticut Secretary, at 203-641-3739 or Copyright 2004, Kate Smalley Connecticut Secretary Freelance Secretarial and Transcription Services 203.641.3739 Start a secretarial business more...

Medical Transcription