Medical Transcription

Home based medical transcription.

Location: Oceanside/San Diego, California, United States

Leva Duell is the author of the Secretarial Business-In-A-Box and the General Transcription Business-In-A-Box helping poeple start their own secretarial business and general/business transcription business.


Medical Transcription:Price Adjustment Strategies / Pricing tactics

Product Pricing Strategies more...

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:How To Get Clients To Take Immediate Action

Create a sense of urgency and get your clients to want what you have now!

Are you tired of excuses? Looking for a persuasion technique to get people to take immediate action? Are prospects saying things to you like: "I'll think it over and get back to you?" "I need to talk it over with my wife." "Call me next week and we'll set up an appointment."

Then create a sense of urgency and get your clients to want what you have now!

The first step in getting people to take immediate action is for them to perceive your product or service as being in demand or in limited supply. People want what is "hot"right now.

Psychologists have proven, people find more value in things they have a difficult time obtaining. If you're told you can't have something, you want it even more. Infomercials tell you that if you call now they will give you another one free or knock $20 of the original price. Shopping networks use a time limit or tell you they only have so many left. Marketers know how to create a sense of urgency.

Have you noticed when you are starving for new business you have an attitude that you would do anything to get business. You make promises you normally wouldn't make. You're practically on your knees begging them to do business with you. You can feel it and so can your customers. They see the look in your eyes and hear the tone of your voice and will do anything to get rid of you. People figure if you're desperate for business then you must not be any good, because if you were you would be inhigh demand. People want to do business with successful people.How do you put this persuasion technique in action and create a sense of urgency?

First, don't be so accessible.

Make it difficult for people to get an appointment with you. What I mean is, don't say I can do it any day this week. Instead use a more persuasive technique by saying, I'm very busy this week, however, I might be able to squeeze you in.

Give them a deadline.

If people think they have unlimited time to make a decision about your product or service they will stall and procrastinate.

Set a time limit for your offer and stick to it.

Be selective about who you work with. Set standards for the type of client you are willing to work with. You will give people the impression that you are busy and that you don't work with just any one. Some people will even go out of their way to conform to your standards to work with you.

Use the persuasive technique of "take away selling".

What I mean is say something like, I'm not sure that our product is right for you. Or maybe our service isn't the right match for your company. Remember, people want what they can't have. By taking it away from them they will search for reasons why they want it now.

Creating a sense of urgency in sales is a win - win for both you and the client. For the client it helps to move them to make a decision to buy something they wantedanyway. For you, it means more sales and the sense of accomplishment for moving people to make a decision that will benefit them.

Jim Klein is the owner of From The Heart Sales Training. He helps sales professionals attract new clients andgenerate an abundance of referrals so they can increase their income and enjoy life more. Get Free Sales Training here. Sign up for our ezine "The Sales Advisor". more...

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:How to Present Products Persuasively

When you meet people for the first time and introduce yourself, what do you usually say? If you're like most people, you might say: "Hi, my name is Michel Fortin and I'm a marketing consultant" or "my name is John Doe, I sell vitamins on the Internet" (or whatever it is you do).

These are called elevator speeches. But if we examine these typical elevator speeches a little closer, you can see how such introductions will be easily forgotten if not ignored.

Think about it. How often do you easily forget the name of someone who has introduced herself to you? Therefore, if you are introducing yourself in that way, your statement will be easily forgotten because it will not create lasting top-of-mind awareness and, more important, interest in you or your business. As my mother used to say, such introductions will only go "in one ear and out the other." They don't stick. They don't say much. They don't offer compelling enough reasons -- specific pieces of information -- that generate desire.

Why is that? In memory management, they say that you should use mental association in order to memorize names. More important, they say that you should attach emotion to your associations, for emotions help to hook words into the mind. Psychologists often say that emotional events are the ones lodged most deeply in a person's consciousness.

For example, if I asked you to tell me about your childhood you will most likely talk about the times when you felt happy, sad, or mad. These events are solidly etched in your mind.

Normally, a person's name and work are often not associated with emotions. On the other hand, those that are presented in such a way that emotions are tied to them will have made an impact and are easily remembered, even years later. They are laced with meaning. They mean something at a deeper level. There is some sort of personal significance behind them. As such, using emotion in your introduction or product presentation is the key.

Stick Like a Stain

In order to help you, ask yourself some key questions, like: "Why should people buy from me?" "Why should they even listen to what I have to say?" And better still, "Why should they even remember me at all?" Above all, the key question is: "What emotions does my business or product invoke in the minds of my site's visitors?" The answer to all of these is benefits.

On the Internet, benefits are vital, for the Internet lacks humaness let alone emotion. If I asked you to name the last ten web sites you visited, your mind will probably go blank -- unless those sites have communicated benefits that were important to you specifically in some way.

Additionally, how many times have you stumbled onto a website that was confusing, boring, inappropriate to your search or lacking compelling reasons for you to stay? You probably clicked out of these sites faster than you can say the word "click."Of course, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression!"

Good introductions are not only meant to get acquainted but also to persuade let alone to have the people you've just met easily remember you, especially in a positive way. And this goes for the people who visited your web site for the first time. A web site that introduces your product or business in a way that communicates clear, specific and cogent benefits will stick in visitors' minds. Not only will your site be more successful but also will be visited more often.Web sites that are remembered are usually the ones that made an impact, be it good or bad.

In one of my previous articles, you learned that people will remember the stain on your shirt more than your name, business, product, or presentation. People hate making bad decisions, so they are constantly on the lookout for key points that can help justify their rationale -- it's just human nature.

On the other hand, however, you can use this to your advantage by stressing key benefits right from the start.

Humdrum to Humdinger

Don't just give a plain name and title introduction. Use your company name, tagline and a short description of what your site is all about. More important, this description should include the benefits you provide and not just the activities you perform, the products you sell or the services you offer. Get rid of that "welcome to" or "this site is dedicated to (product name)." Give benefits right away, even in the title or headline. Not only will such an introduction arouse interest but it will also make your web site stick in the mind.Visitors will stay on your site longer, respond to your offer more favorably, remember you when the need occurs, refer you to others when the opportunity presents itself, or talk about you openly especially when a related subject is discussed.

Here are some examples. Instead of "My name is Dr. John Doe and I'm a certified plastic surgeon," say "Dr. John Doe, Lifestyle Enhancement Specialist, helps to profoundly impact the quality of people's lives through positive and lasting changes in their appearance." The difference is obvious.

Here are some more. If you're a computer consultant specializing in network solutions, don't say: "My name is Elaine Wilson. This site is dedicated to computer network services." Instead, say: "Network Magic! This site is dedicated to helping corporations relieve their computer network headaches."

Don't say: "Jack Vidoli, management consultant specializing in accounting." Rather, say: "Knack with Knumbers! Jack Vidoli specializes in helping firms save time and money by drastically simplifying their accounting systems."

Go Benefits or Go

BustHaving a superior company or a better product will not work for you in the long run. Benefits will. People perceive a company as superior, not by its better qualities but by its benefits -- the specific benefits it brings to any one person. People are astonishingly attracted to benefits, consciously or unconsciously. Therefore, your most marketable competitive edge should be your main, core benefit. As Theodore Levitt said, "What people are buying are not quarter-inch drills but quarter-inch holes."

Your site must immediately communicate the end-result -- the main benefit that you offer your visitors.

What the product brings to the customer specifically is more important than what it has or does, or even how it is better than the others. To help you differentiate between features, advantages and benefits, do the following:

Take a series index cards and write down a feature of your site or product on each one (i.e., what it has). Below it, write down the feature's relative advantage (i.e., what it does). On the back of the card, write down the benefit (i.e., what it brings). When you describe your product online, refer to your cards. Remember that each and every feature you describe should be immediately followed by its equivalent benefit.

Here's an example. A site sells web hosting services. A feature is the fact that it uses multiple servers. A relative advantage would be that a customer's site will be up 99% of the time. The benefits would be added convenience, less time and hassle, more flexibility, increased peace of mind, greater control, etc. In short, benefits are emotions associated with the feature -- emotions that help to anchor the feature more profoundly in the mind.

Nevertheless, you can tell people what you do. But don't tell them how you do it -- at least, not right away. Tell them why you do it and what that means to them specifically, at an intimate level. Remember, people don't buy products.

They buy what products do for them. They buy results.

Michel Fortin is a direct response copywriter, author, speaker and consultant. His specialty are long copy sales letters and websites. Watch him rewrite copy on video each month, and get tips and tested conversion strategies proven to boost response in his membership site at today. more...

Medical Transcription


Medical transcription - starting a medical transcription business

Below are some of the tasks involved in starting a medical transcription business.

  • Write a business plan.
  • Determine what services you want to offer. What medical specialty will you specialize in?
  • Determine what kind of clients you want to target.
  • Determine a space where you will set up your home office or select a business location.
  • Purchase equipment and office supplies: computer, software, printer, desk, and computer chair, pens, paper, paper clips, and stapler.
  • Choose a business name.
  • Verify that the name is not used by someone else.
  • Register your Fictitious Business Name (D.B.A.) if you will operate your business under a name other than your personal name.
  • Check if the business name is available as a domain name (e.g. and register the domain name.
  • Get a separate phone line. If you plan on advertising in the Yellow Pages, you may need a business line.
  • Create sales/promotional materials.
  • Design a logo.
  • Design and print business cards.
  • Design flyers or postcards.
  • Design letterhead (print it from your computer).
  • Design a fax cover sheet.
  • Design invoices/sales receipts.
  • Write sales letters.
  • Design a web site or have one designed. Select a domain name and hosting company. Check out Five Star Web Design for affordable web design.
  • Get an email address.
  • Get a business license. (check with your city and state)
  • Order Yellow Pages advertising and other advertising.
  • Call everyone you know and introduce your business.
  • Open a business bank account.

You will need to take additional steps if you'll have employees, a business partner, or will incorporate. Procedures vary from state to state. Check with your city and county to find out what legal requirements you'll have to comply with.

Refer to this checklist often when starting a medical transcription service to check what steps you'll need to take next.

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Medical Transcription:Niche And Grow Rich

Unless you've been living under an Internet rock, you've probably heard the buzz about Niche Marketing. Right now it's the hottest marketing topic online.

Is it a new concept?
Well on the Internet maybe, but if like me, you've been involved in direct response marketing in the 'Bricks and Mortar' world then it isn't - that's the way we've done things since time immemorial.

So what's this Niche Marketing thing all about?If you have ever taken Marketing 101 then you'll have heard of the old marketing adage : "Find a need and fill it" - that's what "Niche Marketing" is all about. Finding a "focussed" group of people, with a specialized interest, eager to buy (The Niche) and promoting a suitable product or service to all those interested in buying it (Marketing).

Let me give you a few examples of these Niches :Recipes Golf Fishing Health and Fitness Travel Collectibles Dating Dog TrainingS atellite TV Beauty Tips AstrologyG ourmet Foods...... the list just goes on and on and these are just the main headings, there are niches within each of these niches ...

Think of a subject and there's likely a niche market for it...But the name of the game is to find a "tightly focused" niche. The reason for this that if you target a general market the competition is fierce and it's hard, if not impossible, for the little guy to get a foothold. When you narrow down the size of the market you eradicate most of the heavy hitters with bottomless advertising budgets, because these guys aren't interested in making a few thousand bucks a year from these tiny specialized markets, they're after millions from mass markets...... And let's face it if you're a little guy you simply can't be everything to everybody, so you must pick a specific focus (Niche) for your business.

For example don't target "Fishing", instead target "Fishing Baits" or "Fishing Lures" both of which have a much more specific focus......Get the idea?

Once you narrow down the size of the market you have an automatic advantage over larger companies. Here's why: You can quickly become an expert in your niche (if you're not already)It's easier to keep current with a narrowly focussed market niche You can respond faster to changes in the market. You can build close relationships with key customers that will be hard to compete against.

By now you're probably wondering about the mechanics of this niche marketing stuff. In a nutshell here's how it works:

Find and research profitable niche markets
Locate or develop suitable products/services to market
Set up a web site to market the products/services
Establish a marketing system that works for you
Repeat the process over and over again with a different niche each time.

Imagine having a niche site producing one sale a day at say $20. That's $7300 a year - how many sites could you set up and run 10, 20 ....?

Before you get too excited, I have a word of caution for you :Niche marketing is not a magic bullet. It isn't a matter of putting up a web site and then sitting back and waiting for the money to roll in - "build it and they will come" may have worked for Kevin Costner in Field of Dreams, but it doesn't work that way on the Internet - if you do that you'll be waiting a long time.

If you want a successful niche business, you have to work at it just like any other business - if you're prepared to put in the effort though the rewards can be significant.

André Anthony owns and operates Niche Market Know-How a resource for beginning Niche Marketers. Visit today to find strategies, tips, tools, products and resources for effective niche product creation and marketing and get his Niche Market Know-how Mini Course: more...

Medical Transcription


Medical Transcription:7 Tips to Make a Fantastic Impression

Making a fabulous impression on people opens doors for your business, personal, and career endeavors. People like charming people who make them feel comfortable. So, making a fantastic impression helps you get where you want to go.

The basic rule to make a great impression is this: Humans crave to be around people who seem similar to themselves. The key word is seems. Everyone differs from other people in hundreds of ways. However, you get along with people you seem similar to you in interests, feelings, experiences, or goals. You can put these techniques into action to help people feel you seem similar to them and, as a result, make a wonderful impression.

1st Technique: Forget the “Golden Rule”Since people crave to be around people who seem similar to themselves, avoid wasting time on the “Golden Rule” fantasy suggesting, “Treat people as you want to be treated.” People do not want to be treated the way you want to be treated!Instead, treat other people the way they like being treated. You make a stellar impression by focusing on their likes, not yours.

2nd Technique: Use the Other Person’s Interpersonal StylePeople interact using four interpersonal styles, as follows:1. Results-Focused: “Quickly tell me the time, not how to build a clock!!”

2. Detail-Focused: “Slowly tell me how to build a clock, slowly leading up to what time it is.”

3. Friendly-Focused: “First, I’ll tell you about my family and weekend. Then, let’s discussyours. Then, let’s gossip. Then, let’s discuss work.”

4. Partying-Focused: “Wanna hear another joke? Let’s PARTY!!”Remember: Humans crave to be around people who seem similar to themselves. So, with a results-focused person, act fast-paced and results-focused. To impress a detail-focused person, tell “how to build the clock,” not what time it is.

3rd Technique: MirrorMirroring proves incredibly subtle, powerful, and physical. It helps the person instinctively feel comfortable with you.

How? You mirror – make yourself seem similar to – the person’s1. Body language2. Vocal style3.


To impress someone who sits straight, you sit straight with that person. If the person speaks slowly, then you do likewise. And dress as formally or informally as the person you want to impress.

4th Technique: Listen Attentively

This tale illustrates the importance of listening well. A man decided to divorce his wife. His lawyer asked, “Did you love your wife?” The man replied, “I would have left her, but I was hesitant before.”Then, the lawyer asked, “Why do you want to leave her?” The man said, “We have lots of trees around our house, but I rake up the leaves myself.”The lawyer asked, “Is she mean?” The man answered, “ I stopped eating red meat.” Then, the lawyer inquired, “Does she do housework? Does she take out garbage?” The man responded, “We have a two-car garage.”

Finally, the man felt frustrated, because he failed to understand the point of the lawyer’s questions, so he blurted, “You’re a lawyer. Ask me useful questions about my lousy marriage?” So, the lawyer asked, “Why do you want to divorce?” The man replied, “Because we can’t communicate!” This story shows, in extreme fashion, that many conversations actually are two simultaneous monologues.

To make a great impression, listen well using these tactics:
1. Paraphrase or repeat ideas the person said
2. Ask questions
3. Take notes

5th Technique: Artful Vagueness

Prospective clients, who wanted to use my consulting, told me their business problems. Using my expertise with similar problems, I gave my recommendation. They kept telling me they did not like my recommendation. But I knew my recommendation would solve their business problems. The more I said I was right and they were wrong, the more they defended their viewpoint. Suddenly, I realized I did not make them feel comfortable enough. But, I could not agree with them, since they were wrong. So, I listened again to their ideas. Then I said, “I’ve listened carefully to how you want to do this project. That’s an idea.”At the same time, I thought to myself – but did not say it – “That’s a stupid idea.”What did they think? They apparently interpreted “That’s an idea” as me agreeing with them, although I had not. Actually, anything anyone says is “an idea.” This technique is called artful vagueness.

You can get out of uncomfortable jams using these artfully vague phrases:
1. “That’s an idea.”
2. “You’ve got a point.”
3. “You may be right.”

6th Technique: Use Everyone’s Favorite Word

Imagine a time you heard someone shout your name. I bet you spun around to see who called your name. We are drawn to people who say our names. My research comparing high-achievers and underachievers revealed high-achievers used the name of the person they spoke to one or more time in each conversation. In contrast, underachievers used the name of the person they encountered less than half the time. This means high-achievers use the name of people they talk with much more than underachievers. You can do what high-achievers do.

7th Technique: Compliments

While studying high-achievers and underachievers, I discovered an amazing difference. High-achievers gave an average of three compliments per day. However, underachievers seldom gave compliments. What an intriguing difference you can use to your advantage!Some people say these seven charm school techniques are “selling out.” But, a French saying puts it in perspective: “A car can go as far on square wheels as it can go on round wheels. The difference is that on round wheels the ride is much smoother.” Go through your life on round wheels!

Michael Mercer, Ph.D., is a conference speaker and consultant with The Mercer Group, Inc. in Barrington, Illinois. Dr. Mercer created the widely used “Abilities & Behavior Forecaster™” pre-employment tests, you can view at He authored 5 books, including “How Winners Do It: High Impact People Skills for Your Success” and also “Hire the Best -- & Avoid the Rest™”. You can subscribe to Dr. Mercer’s free e-Newsletter at You can call him at (847) 382-0690. more...

Medical Transcription


Medical Transcription:The Choice between Yes and Yes: A Psychological Revelation

Three year old Kara was throwing a tantrum. She didn't want to go to bed, of that she was certain."Do you want to brush with the red or blue toothpaste?" her dad asked gently. "Blue," she says, glad to be given the opportunity to make a decision. Ten minutes later, Kara was well tucked up, wondering when she'd agreed to go to bed in the first place.

You laugh at the story, don't you? The method used to get Kara into bed seems a bit like trickery. And who am I to say that it's not? Yet I want you to pay attention to one thing.

Kara was glad to be given a choice between yes and yes. Your clients are not much different

Clients come to you every single day asking you to give them a choice. A choice between yes and yes. Instead all you're giving them is a choice between yes and no. Mah friend, your bank account will see far better days if only you'd step back, and use the immense power of the choice between yes and yes. Of course, you don't have to believe that this choice factor works. You don't have to believe your sales will go up. All you have to see is proof.

So in the article below I'll demonstrate the psychological factor of choice.How it can work for you and how it can turn against you and bite you in the you-know-where.It all started on one stupid loss-making November's day...We were doing fine with the sales on our website when we made one change. I'm going to demonstrate the change in the article below so it would help for you to have the page open so you can see what I'm talking about. If you look at this page at you'll find that you get the choice to buy two packages.

One is the copy of the Brain Audit and the other choice is a copy of the Brain Audit + the Brain Audit Rip. Till the middle of November, we had both the offers up. Then one ego-driven morning we decided to pull the plug on one choice. We gave customers the choice between a yes and um..NO!Almost within 24 hours, our sales started going south for no reason at all. We ignored this sickening slack for about a week. Then we looked back at what was working. And we put back the choice between yes and yes. The customer was back in choice-ville and the sales soared.

But here's the curious part Among the two packages, one has a much higher price. Yet over 97.5% of customers, when given the choice between the two packages, chose the higher priced package. The customer is no dumboNo siree.

The customer knows exactly what she wants. And when given the choice between yes and yes, she takes a decision to buy that which creates most value for her. Of course, if there's an enticement to buy, as was in this case, thenthere's a far greater likelihood of her buying the more expensive product. The customer is no dumbo...but I sure am

Think about it. If your revenue shot up. If customers were buying higher-priced products what would you logically do? Wouldn't you take the same concept and use it everywhere you could?You'd think a smart person would do that, wouldn't you? (Which is why I qualified myself at the start of this paragraph). But no! As we speak, the only product that has a choice of YES and YES is the page I've already mentioned above.

Don't stop at one point. Take the concept through it's pacesIf you're in consulting, look at the choice between yes and yes. Are you giving the customer a choice between package A and package B. Or do you offer just one package? If you're selling products, the concept of yes and yes choice stays put. And once you've found that the concept works, puh-lease don'tdo the dumbo bit. Audit every possible thing you sell. And put in a yes and yes factor. Not only will this bring you higher quantity of sales, but also an a much better price on every product/consulting assignment you do.

I said yes and yes...NOT yes and yes and yes and yesYou, me, we all crave for choice. But give us too much and we go a little waka-waka in our brains. Because choice is based on rejection. To choose the strawberry flavour ice-cream, you must mentally refuse all the other flavours.If you give a client too much to choose from, they will end up rolling their eyes, doing a RAM check and shut down their brains before you have time to do anything at all. Keep your options simple. Keep the choice between yes and yes. So that even a three-year old has no trouble choosing!

Want to find a secret library of small business ideas? Where can you find simple, yet electrifying ideas, on marketing strategy,copywriting, public speaking, sales conversion, psychological tactics and branding? Head down to today and judge for yourself. Drawing on his 15+ years in communication, Sean has developed a system called Psycho Tactics. PsychoTactics unlocks the working of the human brain and radically tweaks the way you think and act about your business.

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:How To Use Database Marketing To Skyrocket Your Profits

Here's some simple yet POWERFUL ideas on how to use Database Marketing to skyrocket your profits...which will have a GREAT effect on your bottom line.

Database Marketing is the gathering and storing of specific information about your prospects or customers. This information is usually stored in a database program on your computer. You would then use the information to market and advertise to them. It can save you time and money because you can target your promotional efforts to your best prospects or customers.

The Types Of Information To Collect

The information will vary depending on the product or service you'res elling. If you're selling a product that costs $2 you wouldn't collect information about their yearly income. If you're selling web space you wouldn't collect information about what type of books they read. The basic information you need would be all their contact information, purchase history, and birthday. You will need to decide what other information would benefit your business.

How To Collect This Information

It's pretty easy to collect this information online but the hard part is getting people to give it to you. The best way to collect this information is to give them something FREE in return. Ask them to fill out an e-mail survey before subscribing to your free e-zine. Tell everyone who visits your web site they will get a free e-book when they fill out your online questionnaire form. Ask them this information before they sign up for afree contest at your web site. Sometimes you have to give a little something to get a little information online.

Beneficial Uses For Your Database

Find out your customers purchasing habits. Use the information to improve the design of your web site. Use it to write all your advertising material more persuasively.Find out the things they like or dislike about your business. Use the information to target your best prospects. Find out how much money your prospects or customers make. Use it toimprove your customer service. Find out what new products or services they need or want. Use it to test ideas before launching a total sales campaign. Find out how to your improve your existing products or services. Use it to build your customer loyalty. Find out which benefits or features they like most about your productsor services. Use it to send electronic greeting cards on holidays or on your customer's birthdays.

The list of beneficial uses are endless. Do you see the importance of collecting this information? The Internet makes the process of collecting this information quicker and cheaper than offline methods. Take advantage of database marketing and watch your online profits skyrocket.

Author Dan Brown has been active in internet marketing for the past 4 years. Dan currently is working with The Paid Surveys Report, introducing a very successful paid surveys database. more...

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:The Sales Advisor, Issue #7 -- The Most Underused and Powerful Method of Lead Generation

============================================================ Dedicated to helping sales professionals increase their income and have more time to enjoy life by providing ... more...

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:The Secret to Sales Marketing Success

One concept in sales marketing that is so under used but will bring you out of sales mediocrity to fortune and fameis a Unique Selling Proposition or USP. Focusing on the USP in every advertising and marketing effort is the key to creating super successful... more...

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:Target Marketing Secrets to Maximize Your Time and Income

Target marketing is one of the keys to a successful sales marketing program and an important part of your salestraining. Starting your marketing efforts without first identifying your target market is like trying to hit a target with a bow and arrow blindfolded.... more...

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:A Marketing Idea Guaranteed to Increase Your

Would you like a marketing idea guaranteed to increase your sales? Would you like to stop people from shoppingyour product or service and losing business to your competition? Would you like to reduce the amount of rejection you're receiving? Would you like... more...

Medical Transcription


Medical Transcription:11 Powerful Methods of Sales Lead Generation

Are you searching for new and innovative ways of sales lead generation? Are you lacking in sources of good quality leads? Are you tired and bored using the same methods for generating sales leads?If you answered No to these questions you're either satisfied... more...

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:Discover the Secret to Personal Goal Setting Success

Continuing on the theme of goal setting, today's article Discover the Secret to Personal Goal Setting Success, will provide what's missing from the goal setting programs you've tried in the past.To Your SuccessJim KleinProfessional Sales Trainer... more...

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:Two Keys to Achieving Your Goals

Goal setting is an important element of your sales training program.Read todays article "Two Keys to Achieving Your Goals" and discover the key elements of goal setting.To Your SuccessJim KleinProfessional Sales Trainer and Sales CoachFrom... more...

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:New Edition of "The Sales Advisor"

Dedicated to helping sales professionals increase their income and have more time to enjoy life by providing... more...

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:Taking the Right Steps to Successful Goal Setting

The foundation of any successful sales training program is goal setting. Unless you know where you are and where you want to end up, how can you assess your progress?Click Here to read todays article "Taking the Right Steps to Successful Goal Setting".... more...

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:Communicating Clearly: It Often Pays to Repeat Information

A common observation of clients who're reading first drafts of the work they've ordered is that, "You said that once already, so we can take this sentence out." In fact, a certain amount of redundancy helps to get the point across. more...

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:promotional marketing

promotional marketing more...

Medical Transcription


Medical Transcription:

Freelance Writing Fees: Why They Suck & What You Can Do About It!

1) A Glut of Talent: Face it, sitting at home working in our jammies is a dream many aspire to. This is why many freelance writing assignments pay so little. But, what is little? This month, we will add a success story section to We are paying $25 for each submission we publish. A few wrote in to slam us, saying things like, “This is why freelancers never get rich,” to, …Author: Yuwanda Black CLICK HERE TO READ THE REST OF THIS ARTICLE more...

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:Stay-at-Home Parents

Stay-at-Home Parents

Stay-at-Home Parents find support, parenting tips, home-based business information, recipes, freebies, chat, discussion forums, and frugal living tips.

Corel Corporation Developer of graphics, Web, desktop publishing, photo-editing and business software. more

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:Telecommuting Resource Center - Independent Homeworkers Alliance

Telecommuting Resource Center - Independent Homeworkers Alliance #1 Home Business 2 yrs in a row! Free work at home jobs and opportunities to Earn $3500+ p/time, $10000+ f/time with this real internet home business.

Home A comprehensive information resource for small and medium sized businesses, linked to local advice centers and relevant government websites. More.

Medical Transcription


Medical The Online Magazine for Work at Home Moms The Online Magazine for Work at Home Moms is your source for home business information, work at home/work from home jobs, and all the support and advice a work-at-home mom (or dad). More

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:Work at Home - Medical Transcription Job

Medical transcription jobs from home are gaining in popularity. Take a bird's eye view of this avenue of earning a considerable income from your home office. more...

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:Home Jobs for Moms

Home jobs for moms offer an excellent opportunity to earn an additional income. Jobs for stay at home moms can range from telemarketing to transcription, freelance writing to affiliate programs. more...

Medical Transcription


Medical Transcription:Basic Guidelines To Keeping Your Work At Home Business Legal

Basic Guidelines To Keeping Your Work-At-Home Business Legal by Montegaza Cristian

A work at home business or home business can be an exciting, challenging, and lucrative adventure. It is, however, relatively the same as any other business, and is subject to the same laws and regulations that govern any business, no matter what the size. Simply because home businesses are sometimes "one person" endeavors (especially in the beginning) does not free them from adherence to the same laws and regulations that apply to all businesses.

In order to avoid problems both in the beginning, and in the future of any home business, it is important to do some research, spend some money, and otherwise make sure that all laws and regulations at the state, local, and national levels are followed "to the letter".

Herewith follows some basic guidelines to keeping your work at home business legal, and avoiding possible aggravation and heartache in the future:

1. Call your Department of State, or other local government agency, before starting your business. All information from local government agencies is always usually free, and any required licenses such as DBA (Doing Business As, or Fictitious Name Licensing), will be fully explained, as well as Articles of Incorporation and other smaller license requirements. Usually the fees and how to obtain all necessary licensing will be explained as well in a phone call such as this.

2. Call your regional or local government office for any advice on zoning permits that may be required or space and inventory requirements, depending on the type of business.

3. Call an accountant or accounting firm. These firms are generally hugely knowledgeable about how to start and maintain a legal work at home business and will freely share this advice with others. They will in addition have a good knowledge of local requirements and tax issues.

4. Find out before starting, what tax requirements are necessary and the forms you must have on hand before beginning. These forms and requirements will depend on the type of business, number of employees (if any), etc., and are a necessary part of setting up any home-based business.

5. Call a local business chamber of commerce if possible. Other business owners can effectively impart information on other legalities, and usually do so very willingly.

All of the above require some fees, but are usually very economical means of preventing larger fines and sometimes legal action if regulations and licensing requirements are not met. Remember, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure", and this statement is no truer than when applied to a work at home business.

Montegaza Cristian is the editor of Work At Home Business Dot - A website dedicated to assist you whatever you're looking for a work at home business or need some help getting your home business started. Visit him at Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription:Medical marketing

Medical marketing more...

Medical Transcription

Medical Transcription - largest transcription service

Transcription Service Founder Named as Virginia Ernst & Young, Entrepreneur of the Year Robert Lynch of CyMed, Inc., Recognized for Profitable Growth and Service Excellence

--In recognition of creating the nation's third largest transcription service in marketplace filled with more than 1,500 competitors, Robert Lynch, President and CEO of CyMed, Inc. was recently honored as the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year for the State of Virginia.

Lynch's selection in the services category reflects the company's success in applying Six Sigma management principles to re-engineer the workflow for outsourced Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and improve the costs, quality and cycle times traditionally expected for the process. An internationally recognized speaker on Six Sigma management and author of numerous transcription re-engineering articles, Lynch has grown the 1998 start-up to now generate more than 25,000 patient records daily on behalf of their health care clients across the country.


Medical Transcription - Health web sites

Health Related Web sites.

The following web sites have great information for medical transcriptionists.

If you want to become part of a clinical trial, go to Veritas Medicine is a free, confidential, on line resource where you can find information on a wide range of diseases and conditions.

Over 1,300 clinical trials are available across more than 100 different diseases and condition,." says Dr. John Yee, chief medical officer for

A great cancer web site is from the University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center. It offers hard- to- find advice about the side effects of cancer therapies.


Medical Transcription:Medical Transcriptionists Jobs

Medical transcriptionists listen to dictated recordings made by physicians and other healthcare professionals and transcribe them into medical reports, correspondence, and other administrative material.

They generally listen to recordings on a headset, using a foot pedal to pause the recording when necessary, and key the text into a personal computer or word processor, editing as necessary for grammar and clarity.

The documents they produce include discharge summaries, history and physical examination reports, operative reports, consultation reports, autopsy reports, diagnostic imaging studies, progress notes, and referral letters.

Medical transcriptionists return transcribed documents to the physicians or other healthcare professionals who dictated them for review and signature, or correction. These documents eventually become part of patients’ permanent files.

Medical Transcription